Drug Facts from the Australian Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Digital health information about the risks of drugs is available through the Australian Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) website. The searchable online database, Drug Facts, features information about a range of substances which may pose harm including controlled substances, those protected under religious rights, over the counter and prescription medications.
Searchable by "street name" as well as by common effect, the database offers information on the effects of different substances, the risks they pose to physical and mental wellbeing in the long and short term, withdrawal and how individuals can access support.
There is also a selection of statistics and helpful infographics which may be useful for health promotion practitioners in discussing a range of different substances in various different settings. Each page is written in plain English in an easy read format and can be printed to hand out as a resource.
Other pages of the website also feature information about the ADF's work in prevention and the range of training and other initiatives that they offer to professionals and communities to help "protect people from developing alcohol or other drug related problems".