SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant 2018

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant is now open for applications. Offering up to 5 million USD the grant can be used for a range of projects with the aims to increase awareness, disseminate current research or educate behavioral health providers.
The purpose of the grant is to improve health and addition recovery outcomes with the overall goal being to,
"establish a national center with specialized subject matter expertise to provide training and technical assistance to states, local governments, tribal communities, behavioral health organizations, primary care providers, clinicians, peers, families and other stakeholders to help reduce tobacco use among persons with behavioral health disorders, with an emphasis on individuals with serious mental illness and co-occurring disorders."
The funding call opened in April 2018 and will close on 1 June 2018.