Call for Applications for the SPR Sloboda and Bukoski Cup

Significant advances in prevention science are often due to a team of individuals working closely together across many years. In recognition of the importance of the collaborative process to the field, the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) will sponsor a friendly competition amongst teams of early career researchers for the honour of bringing home the Sloboda and Bukoski SPR Cup.
The competition will take place during the annual SPR meeting, on May 28 through May 31, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco.
Two months before the meeting, each team will receive the competition dataset. Leading up to the meeting, each team will conduct a literature review, generate hypotheses, conduct analyses, and thoroughly prepare for a 10-minute symposium talk on their results.
Teams will present their results during a highlighted, invited symposium at the SPR annual meeting. A panel of senior prevention scientist judges and the audience at the symposium will rate the quality of the research work and of the presentation. The highest scoring team will be recognized and awarded the 2019 SPR Cup during the SPR Awards Ceremony.