Day 2, 11:00 - 12.30, ICUDDR, Leading Publications on Drug Demand Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 27th of June, 2024.


The purpose of this panel is to open a space for analysis and discussion in relation to three leading publications on drug demand reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean, so that the findings and experiences in the region can provide new knowledge on important topics in demand reduction for other regions of the world.

Moderator: Ms. Jimena Kalawski (⚑ United States) - Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Organization of American States (OAS)


Flavio Marsiglia - Mantente REAL: The cultural adaptation and effectiveness of an evidence-based prevention program

Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velazquez - Multicomponent School‐Based Program in Mexico to Prevent Behavioral Problems and Develop Social Skills in Children: A Cluster Randomized Trial

Fernando Salazar - Effects of the Universal Prevention Curriculum for Schools on Substance Use Among Peruvian Adolescents: A Randomized Trial

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