Clinical Supervision in Botswana
Introduction to Forensic Substance Use Evaluation
UNODC supported delegations from four Central Asian countries in a high-level study tour to the United Kingdom
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) together with the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) organized a study tour for high-level representatives, including senior officials, policymakers and substance...
Disruptions to U.S. local public health’s role in population-based substance use prevention and response during COVID-19
COVID-19 dramatically limited the scale and scope of local health department (LHD) work, redirecting resources to the response. However, the need for essential public health services—including substance use prevention—was not...
Risks and Harms Associated with the Nonmedical Use of Benzodiazepines in the Unregulated Drug Supply in Canada
Substance use risks are significantly higher for people who obtain drugs on the unregulated market as there is no quality control and drug contents are unpredictable. This lack of predictability has increased during the COVID-19...
Defining and implementing evidence-based practice: Reading list
Professionalization and Strengthening of the Drug Demand Reduction Workforce.
Chaired by Livia Edegger, Deputy Director of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), the specialist in this panel spoke about the importance of creating and strengthening the workface in drug demand reduction...
Considerations for Virtual Services and Supports for Substance Use and Concurrent Disorders [Policy Brief]
The Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) in partnership with the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, the Canadian Psychological Association and Canada Health Infoway, collected national data on the experience and...
Are former heavy drinkers in the UK less likely to identify as being in recovery compared to those in the USA? A pilot test
The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) movement created the term "in recovery" to express the continuing requirement for vigilance in order to sustain sobriety (which includes abstinence from alcohol intake) and avoid a return to dangerous drinking...
Further Enhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in Drug Demand Reduction Across Europe
The EU Strategy 2021-2025 puts further emphasis on QS and evidence-based interventions.
Yet, the extent and ways in which QS are implemented in daily practices of drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction in the EU varies substantially...
Identifying content-based engagement patterns in a smoking cessation website and associations with user characteristics and cessation outcomes: a sequence and cluster analysis
Tobacco smoking is the greatest cause of sickness and early death worldwide, with 8 million people dying each year from a smoking-related condition. The use of pharmaceutical or behavioural assistance improves smokers' chances of quitting...
Gender disparities in opioid treatment progress in methadone versus counselling
The high dropout rate (75%) in opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment among women and racial/ethnic minorities in the United States necessitates a better knowledge of the factors that contribute to treatment success. While therapy and...
High-dose buprenorphine induction in the emergency department for treatment of opioid use disorder
In response to the rising efficacy of the illicit opioid drug supply and often observed delays in access to follow-up therapy, emergency departments (EDs) occasionally utilize a high-dose buprenorphine induction method for the treatment of...
Variation in brief treatment for substance use disorder: a qualitative investigation of four federally qualified health centres with SBIRT services
Brief treatment (BT) or regular outpatient alcohol use or substance use disorder (SUD) treatment is a key element of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model. It can be an effective, short-term, and low...
Reporting treatment fidelity in behavioral tobacco treatment clinical trials: scoping review and measurement recommendations
Adoption of rigorous standards for reporting treatment fidelity is essential for advancing discovery, validation, and implementation of behavioral treatments. Whereas the NIH Behavior Change Consortium (BCC)...
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.
They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build...
Handbook on Quality Standards for Interventions Aimed at Drug Experienced Young People in Contact with Criminal Justice Systems
Executive Summary
As one of the objectives of the European Health Programme project “Exchanging Prevention practices on Polydrug use among youth in Criminal justice systems” (EPPIC), the present handbook of quality standards was produced...
The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards Toolkits
The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...
Improving Quality of Life: Substance Use and Ageing
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has released a resource focusing on substance use in ageing populations.
The document covers the consequences of substance use in older adults, health conditions which might occur...
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