The temporary disability attributable to tobacco use among workers 35-64 years
Fundamentals: Few recent studies have investigated in our half the magnitude and trends of the impact of tobacco in lost productivity. The objective of this study was to describe the proportion of episodes and days in non...
Sexual Behaviour and Abuse of Drugs among Urban Teenagers in Lagos
Sexual Behaviour and Abuse of Drugs Among Urban Teenagers in Lagos
Molobe Ikenna Daniel 1, 2, 3, 4
1 Unified Initiative for a Drug-Free Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria
2 World Federation Against Drugs (WFAD), Stockholm, Sweden
3 Foundation for...
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Drug Abuse among Sports Men and Women in Lagos State, Nigeria
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Drug Abuse among Sports Men and Women in Lagos State, Nigeria
Molobe, Ikenna Daniel
Deputy Director of Programs, Unified Initiative for a Drug Free Nigeria (UIFDFN)
Member, World Federation Against...
Drug Abuse and Unsafe Abortion among Teenage Girls in Nigeria
Ikenna Molobe
I. Molobe. Unified Initiative for a Drug-Free Nigeria, Nigeria
Methods: The study methodology adopted the use of qualitative and quantitative approach. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were conducted among secondary school...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Reconciling the Interests of Community, Clients, and Families
Key studies on the roles of management in treatment’s impacts on crime and safeguarding the community, with a focus on criminal justice and child protection. Explore what research can offer managers who have to reconcile the interests of...
UAE to Train Specialist Drug Counsellors to Treat Rising Number of Abuse Cases
The UAE's National Rehabilitation Centre is opening a training center which will disseminate training programs, including the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for the Middle East region.
Approaches to Substance Use Prevention Utilizing School Curriculum Plus Social Environment Change
Hundreds of studies have tested the efficacy or effectiveness of school curriculum-based (CB) substance use prevention programs. Over the years, various researchers have also tested programs that included school curricula, but with the...
Quick Reference Guide: Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence
This clinician guide describes the development process, analysis and discussion of the available research while providing more complete information for health care decision-making.
The Effect of Public Health-Oriented Drug Law Reform on HIV Incidence in People who Inject Drugs in Tijuana, Mexico
As countries embark on public health-oriented drug law reform, health impact evaluations are needed. In 2012, Mexico mandated the narcomenudeo reform, which depenalised the possession of small amounts of drugs and...
Mr. Ahmad Shah Nominated for the Prestigious "Asia Inspiration Award 2018"
Mr. Ahmad Shah, Director of ISSUP Pakistan, has been nominated to receive the prestigious "Asia Inspiration Award 2018" in the category of Health. The award ceremony will be held on 30th November 2018 in Iconic BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka dur...
Cannabis Fact Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital (CAMH) has developed a new fact sheet on recreational cannabis for parents/guardians and caregivers of youth aged 12-18. It provides information about cannabis, cannabis legalisation, risks...
New to Alcohol Use Research: Recommendations for Early Career Researchers
New App: Underage Drinking Prevention
"Talk. They Hear You." App
Research shows that parents are the number one reason young people decide not to drink alcohol. This new App developed by SAMHSA features an interactive simulation that helps parents learn the do's and don'ts of...
Informational Video on the Humphrey Fellowship Program
Differential Intervention Effectiveness of a Universal School-Based Resilience Intervention in Reducing Adolescent Substance Use within Student Subgroups
Objectives: Interventions addressing the individual and environmental protective factors of adolescents are suggested to have potential for reducing adolescent substance use. While universally delivered school-based substance use...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Coercion Tests Therapeutic Skills
Key studies on the contribution of the practitioner to reducing crime and safeguarding the community. Commentary risks formulating a general rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters. Implication is that therapeutic...
Bullying Involvement and Substance Use among Brazilian Students
Objective: Although bullying involvement has been associated with adolescent substance use, most of this evidence comes from high-income countries. Little is known about substance use among perpetrator-victims in low- and middle...
Eficacia de las etiquetas de advertencia en las cajetillas de cigarrillo
Objetivo: Establecer la capacidad que tienen las etiquetas de advertencia con el tamaño mínimo exigido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud para capturar la atención en fumadores y no fumadores. Métodos: En el estudio se...
Application of Research Design and Methods for Optimizing Prevention Science: Planning for Suicide Prevention Strategies
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Emily Haroz
The Johns Hopkins University; Shoshanna Fine, The Johns Hopkins University; Cat...
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