A Mobile Phone-Based Life Skills Training Program for Substance Use Prevention Among Adolescents
Researchers from universities in Germany and Switzerland have explored the use of m-health in substance use prevention in adolescents.
Through the implementation of a fully-automated programme, ready4life, generic life skills training can...
Virtual Reality Cue Refusal Video Game for Alcohol and Cigarette Recovery Support: Summative Study
A study implementing the use of virtual reality to explore addition and recovery has been published by a team of researchers connected to Clinical Tools, Inc. Clinical Tools is based in the USA with work combining medicine, science, and...
Lessdrugs : an e-health approach to lifestyle management
Lessdrugs is an project supported by the EIT Health initiative. Bringing together Imperial College London, Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing and the University of Copenhagen the pilot project implements microlearning to explore choices...
Sideal Spanish Language App for Alcohol Use
Sideal is a self-help app available in Spanish for people experiencing alcohol dependance. The app offers advice on reducing consumption and abstinence.
The app can be used to set and track goals that someone has set for themselves or one...
Pennsylvania Hospital Becomes OUD Treatment Model after Working with PCSS during Pilot Program
Hanover Hospital and its affiliated healthcare clinics has become a model for how a healthcare system that is fully engaged in embracing evidence-based treatment of opioid use disorders can make significant change.
A little more than a...
Development of social skills in school: experience of a prevention strategy
Research has shown that if children receive preventive interventions from an early age, aimed to promote the development of healthy lifestyle habits and development of appropriate skills, avoided engaging in risky behavior as the...
A Pragmatic Trial of E-Cigarettes, Incentives, and Drugs for Smoking Cessation
Whether financial incentives, pharmacologic therapies, and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) promote smoking cessation among unselected smokers is unknown.
We randomly assigned smokers employed by 54...
Treat Addiction Like Cancer
Likewise cancer, addiction is a complex disease that requires being addressed by an integral, balanced and multidisciplinary approach. Currently, within the healthcare systems, there are available treatment options for cancer that are...
Alcohol and Its Effect on Adolescent Brain Development and Executive Functioning: Some Results from Neuroimaging
There exists considerable evidence from both human and experimental animals indicating the central nervous systems’ vulnerability to the effects of alcohol exposure. Specifically, alcohol is a known neuroteratogen with especially harmful...
There’s an Opioid Abuse Problem Unfolding in African Cities and It’s Not Getting the Attention It Needs
An opioid crisis is spreading throughout Africa. This comprehensive article traces consumption of tramadol across the continent, focusing on the scenario in various African countries in addition to the complexities of deciding on how to...
Patrones de consumo de heroína en una cárcel de la frontera norte de México: barreras de acceso a tratamiento
Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia del consumo de heroína, los patrones de inicio, el alto consumo y la dependencia a esta sustancia e identificar barreras que impidan a los adictos acudir a tratamiento. Material y métodos: El...
Validation of the Spanish Version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (YFAS 2.0) and Clinical Correlates in a Sample of Eating Disorder, Gambling Disorder, and Healthy Control Participants
Aims: Due to the increasing evidence of shared vulnerabilities between addictive behaviors and excessive food intake, the concept of food addiction in specific clinical populations has become a topic of scientific interest. The aim of this...
Lifestyle Choices and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Survey with German and Chinese Students
The Contribution of Health Behaviours to Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health
Examining Differences in Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) Levels and Hazardous Drinking by Smoking Status among a Sample of College Student Bar Patrons
A study published in the Journal of Community Health, Examining Differences in Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) Levels and Hazardous Drinking by Smoking Status Among a Sample of College Student Bar Patrons, explores the relationship...
Webinar: Treatment and Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder: Overview
A webinar on opioid use disorder by Dr. Dennis McCarty is now available through the Addiction Technology Transfer Centre (ATTC) website.
The hour long webinar took place in April 2018 and discusses treatment and prevention. The webinar...
Transferring Patients from Methadone to Buprenorphine: The Feasibility and Evaluation of Practice Guidelines
Introduction and Aims: Transfer from methadone to buprenorphine is problematic for many opioid-dependent patients, with limited documented evidence or practical clinical guidance, particularly for the range of methadonedoses...
Pre-Conceptional and Peri-Gestational Maternal Binge Alcohol Drinking Produces Inheritance of Mood Disturbances and Alcohol Vulnerability in the Adolescent Offspring
Although binge drinking is on the rise in women of reproductive age and during pregnancy, the consequences in the offspring, in particular the inheritance of alcohol-related mood disturbances and alcohol abuse vulnerability, are still...
Factors associated with cocaine use in users of injectable heroin in Colombia
Introduction: People who consume heroin and cocaine have increased sexual activity, risk behaviours associated with injection and inconsistent condom use, which would increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections and the...
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