Alcohol energy (calorie) labelling: Evidence, public support, alternatives, and wider labelling considerations
This briefing synthesises existing evidence on alcohol energy (calorie) labelling, spanning the past five years (2016-2021).
This briefing covers reviews in the academic literature about the impact of alcohol energy labelling, studies and...
Assessing the Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the UK
In a new study, led by a team at the University of Salford, evidence has been found to suggest fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a significant issue among the population, likely to be as common as autism, despite being rarely...
Launch event: Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs, part 2
Drug-related Deaths in Scotland in 2020
In 2020,1339 drug-related deaths were registered in Scotland.
This is a 5% increase compared to figures from 2019.
Other key findings show:
- The number of drug-related deaths has increased substantially over the last 20 years – there...
Trends in use of e-cigarette device types and heated tobacco products from 2016 to 2020 in England
During the past decade, heated aerosolized nicotine delivery systems (HANDS) —mainly e-cigarettes—have surpassed nicotine replacement therapy as the most utilized aids for stopping smoking in England.
It is therefore important to explore...
Evaluation of the Drink Wise Age Well Programme
The Drink Wise, Age Well programme was delivered over five years from 2015 to 2020 in five intervention areas across the UK.
The project had 4 objectives:
- To raise awareness of the issue of alcohol misuse among people over 50, change...
A randomised, double-blind study investigating the relationship between early childhood trauma and the rewarding effects of morphine
The Youth in Iceland Model (YiIM) in Scotland
The Youth in Iceland Model (YiIM, also known as ‘Planet Youth’) is a community-based approach aiming to prevent young people’s substance use through reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors.
A new team, based in Dundee...
Managed Alcohol Programmes
Dr Hannah Carver (University of Stirling) presents research on Managed Alcohol Programmes: "Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programmes for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders...
Perspectives of Repeat Drink-drivers in the UK
Dr Andrea Mohan (University of Dundee) presented: "What can we learn from the perspectives of repeat drink-drivers? Findings from a qualitative study".
Why don't they just stop using drugs then?
Why don't they just stop using drugs then? Making the case for trauma and ACE informed substance use services.
Andrew has developed trauma and ACE informed approaches in North Wales and other parts of the UK and Ireland during the last...
Substance Use and Antisocial Behaviour in Adolescence in the UK
The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), is following the lives of around 19,000 young people born across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
In 2018-2019, the researchers from UCL analysed data from 10,000 17 years olds on their...
State of the Sector 2019: Drug and Alcohol Family Support
This report shares the findings from Adfam's State of the Sector Family Support Survey which in 2019 asked 117 practitioners and managers working in family support services in England about current trends, developments, strengths and...
Families, substance use and mental health: Report and Toolkit
Dual diagnosis is the term used to describe people with mental health problems, who also misuse drugs or alcohol.
People affected by dual diagnosis often fall through the cracks of public services, and so do their families. Those cracks...
Stepping Up: The Response of Stop Smoking Services in England to the Covid-19 Pandemic
This report, written in partnership with Cancer Research UK, examines the performance of stop smoking services in England during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
Key Points
- The proportion of local authorities commissioning a specialist stop...
Nudge Theory and Alcohol Policy: How Nudge Might Shape Drinking
- Nudge theory aims to understand human decision making in order to optimise the outcomes from choices for decision makers. The theory has become increasingly popular amongst public health policymakers in recent years
- The use of...
Exploring the Factors that Influence Harmful Alcohol Use Through the Refugee Journey: A Qualitative Study
This report from Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the University of Edinburgh School of Health in Social Science explores the factors influencing harmful alcohol use through the refugee journey.
Drawing on interviews...
Webinar | The Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders in the Asia Region: A Two-Decade Perspective on New Tendencies and Substances
Men and Alcohol: Key Issues Report Launch
The 'Men and Alcohol: Key Issues’ report brings together key findings from the 2019/2020 SHAAP/IAS Men and Alcohol seminar series, and makes recommendations for research, policy and practice. To view/download the report, click here.
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