This presentation focussed on the strategies used by alcohol marketers to promote their products, impending trends in alcohol distribution, effective approaches for messaging about alcohol-related harms, and public support for a range of...
Analysis of Tobacco Industry Marketing and Media Communication in Response to the Menthol Cigarette Ban in the Czech Republic in 2020
BACKGROUND: Characterising flavours are an important marketing tool for the tobacco industry. Following the European Tobacco Products Directive, the sales of menthol cigarettes in all EU Member States, including the Czech Republic, were...
New Regulations to Stop Alcohol Being Advertised Around Children Introduced in Ireland
Ireland has introduced new legislation to reduce child exposure to alcohol advertisements and products. Alcohol advertising in or on public transport, at public transport stations, and within 200 metres of a school, creche, or local...

Algorithm May Expose Thousands of Under-18s to Harmful Targeted Adverts
A recent study, conducted by the Guardian and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, has revealed that Facebook has marked hundreds of thousands of children as “interested in” adverts about gambling and alcohol. Facebook gains information...

#DontPinkMyDrink Campaign
After years of objectifying and sexualising women in their advertising, the alcohol industry is now targeting women more directly, linking their products to women's friendships, feminism and empowerment. However, women’s empowerment will...

"Everything is Telling You to Drink"
The focus on the individual's wider surroundings has given rise to the concept of Alcogenic environment, whereby features, such as alcohol outlet accessibility or marketing, within a person’s surroundings influence patterns of alcohol...
Bombarded by Booze
Description: This presentation highlights innovative New Zealand research with children using wearable cameras and GPS devices to capture the extent and nature of their exposure to alcohol marketing.
Presenter: Professor Louise Signal, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand
When: Thursday 31st January, 11-12

Policy Approaches for Regulating Alcohol Marketing in a Global Context: A Public Health Perspective
Abstract Alcohol consumption is responsible for 3.3 million deaths globally or nearly 6% of all deaths. Alcohol use contributes to both communicable and noncommunicable diseases, as well as violence and injuries. The purpose of this review...
Alcohol Advertising Compliance on Cable Television
This report is the ninth in a series of quarterly reports that assess non-compliant alcohol advertising on cable TV based on the “no buy” list criteria and how this non-compliance varies by program, cable network and daypart. In the 2-year...
Receptivity to Tobacco Ads Linked to Smoking Susceptibility Among Youth
There is a strong link between receptivity to tobacco product advertisements and susceptibility to smoking cigarettes later in life, according to new research published in the journal Pediatrics. Put simply, the study suggests that the more...