
Alcohol Policy in Uganda

Harmful alcohol consumption remains a critical public health concern in Uganda. Despite efforts by the government to introduce policies that will improve the situation, alcohol companies are finding new ways to advertise and sell their...

Alcohol and the Nervous System

Event Date

The 2020 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Alcohol and the Nervous System will provide a unique forum to bring together a diverse range of young and established alcohol researchers and experts in complementary fields. 

Free Webinar: Practical Evidence-Based Substance Use Prevention

Video and audio recordings
Webinar Objectives: Examine evidence-based & evidence-informed substance use Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) screening & brief interventions List differences between typical substance use prevention and Prevention Plus Wellness programs...

Russian Alcohol Consumption

In terms of global alcohol consumption, Russia has been consistently considered one of the countries with the highest track record of heavy drinking. However, recent figure have found Russian alcohol consumption has decreased by 43% from...

Call for Abstracts - NIDA International SPR Poster Session

The International Program and the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will host the 13th Annual NIDA International SPR Poster Session at the SPR 28th Annual Meeting in...

Advancing Public Health in International Alcohol Control

Event Date

Action is needed by governments to control the marketing, labelling and availability of alcohol given the growing evidence about the burden of disease and premature mortality associated with alcohol use.

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