
Focus on Youth Football and Alcohol

Focus on Youth Football and Alcohol is a joint initiative aiming to reduce underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking among young people, as both strongly affect the health and welfare of Europe’s population. The evidence highlights that...

Alcohol Data Directory

This alcohol directory collates data and information on alcohol consumption and related harm on the island of Ireland. Published resources in the directory are open access and originate from government-led departments and research. The...

8th European Alcohol Policy Conference Report

SHAAP and Eurocare have published a summary report covering the discussions that took place during the 8th European Alcohol Policy Conference (8EAPC) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20th and 21st November 2018...

Alcohol Awareness Week

Event Date
Awareness Campaign

Alcohol Awareness Week is an opportunity for charities, local authorities, GP surgeries, businesses and more to think and talk about alcohol harm with their communities.

To help you run Alcohol Awareness Week in your community, Alcohol Change UK have put together free digital resources:

Alcohol Before 18. What's the Harm - A Guide for Parents

Talking about alcohol with your children can be a complicated and sensitive topic to navigate. Young people are absorbing information about alcohol from a range of sources within their environment. Friends, teachers, and family can shape...

Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England

The National Health Service has been closely following the smoking, drinking and drug use trends amongst young people in England. The series of surveys began in 1982. The most recent 2018 survey questioned 13,664 year 7 to 11 pupils, mostly...

Men, Alcohol and Identity

Event Date

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) are co-hosting a four-part seminar series to discuss issues relating to men and alcohol.

Each session will be chaired by an expert in the field who will invite three guest speakers to present their personal responses to three pre-set questions, which are relevant to the topic.

Alcohol Evidence in Policy & Practice 2019: 6th Annual Course for Practitioners, Policymakers, Advocates & Researchers

Event Date

This year’s course will feature inputs from Prof. Annie Britton from University College London, Prof. Mark Petticrew from LSHTM, and Dr. Mark Robinson from NHS Health Scotland, as well as Colin Angus (University of Sheffield), Prof. Carol Emslie (Glasgow Caledonian University), Dr. Nathan Critchlow (University of Stirling), Colin Shevills (Balance North East) and Katherine Severi (Institute of Alcohol Studies).

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