
Alcohol Advertising Compliance on Cable Television

Scientific article
This report is the ninth in a series of quarterly reports that assess non-compliant alcohol advertising on cable TV based on the “no buy” list criteria and how this non-compliance varies by program, cable network and daypart. In the 2-year...

Virtual seminar: "Alcohol and injury in transit in the Americas"

Event Date
United States

There is ample evidence that shows that the harmful use of alcohol is associated with deaths and disability caused by injuries in traffic. There is a particular interest in the Region of the Americas on the relationship between transit caused injuries associated with the use of alcohol, since the implementation of policy measures have been slow in countries.

Webinar: "Alcohol and Road Injuries in the Americas"

Event Date
United States

There is ample evidence showing that the harmful use of alcohol is associated with deaths and disability caused by road injuries. The Region of the Americas is of particular interest in relation with alcohol related road injuries as data support policy actions in this area but countries have been slow in implementing them.

Annual Total Binge Drinks Consumed by U.S. Adults, 2015

Scientific article
Introduction Binge drinking (four or more drinks for women, five or more drinks for men on an occasion) accounts for more than half of the 88,000 U.S. deaths resulting from excessive drinking annually. Adult binge drinkers do so frequently...

A New Approach to Formulating and Appraising Drug Policy

Scientific article
Abstract Background Drug policy, whether for legal or illegal substances, is a controversial field that encompasses many complex issues. Policies can have effects on a myriad of outcomes and stakeholders differ in the outcomes they consider...

The next step towards a better life

The purpose of this guide is to give people an idea of what you can expect when they have finished the process of detoxification. Ideas to help people stay away from alcohol and other drugs. Also explains the stages of the recovery, as well...

Factors That Make Thai Teenagers Drink Alcohol

Scientific article
Abstract Thailand teenagers currently have more alcohol consumption habits. Especially in the younger age group, which the government has banned the sales of alcohol to children under 18 years old. However, the legislation was not...

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