First Drugs, Alcohol, Women and Families Conference
The first Drugs, Alcohol, Women and Families Conference will focus on women, families and young people affected by
The first Drugs, Alcohol, Women and Families Conference will focus on women, families and young people affected by
The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies has announced that its 5th annual Alcohol Policy in Practice course will be held in Bath, UK, from 11 - 13th Sept 2018.
Entre os dias 19 e 22 de setembro de 2018, em Campos do Jordão, no Convention Center, acontecerá um dos maiores eventos sobre drogadição do mundo, com foco em tratamento, prevenção e mobilização.
With generous support from Alcohol Research UK, the purpose of the day is to encourage the interplay and exchange of knowledge and ideas around the subject of drugs and alcohol. Speakers will be provocative and challenge received wisdoms with counter narratives.
SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems) and Eurocare (The European Alcohol Policy Alliance) are the organisers of the 8th European Alcohol Policy Conference (8EAPC), which will be hosted at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20th and 21st November 2018.