
Alcohol Advertising Linked to Youth Drinking

Health researchers worldwide have provided new evidence suggesting that alcohol advertising is often aggressive, reaching children, and is linked with youth drinking. The Australian organisation, the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol...

Maltreatment and Marijuana Use

Scientific article
Is the maltreatment of children linked with marijuana use later in life? Are behavioural problems and tobacco and alcohol consumption during adolescence associated with smoking marijuana? These are questions that an Australian study...

Suicide and Substance Abuse

New research has found a significant link between suicide risk and simultaneous cocaine and alcohol consumption. The study examined the drug-taking habits of 874 participants hospitalised for displaying suicidal tendencies, ranging from...

Are Personality-Targeted Prevention Initiatives Successful?

Scientific article
Research has found that one’s personality is a useful predictor of drug and alcohol abuse. One notable programme that approaches substance prevention by focusing on personal characteristics is PreVenture. PreVenture has already been shown...

Alcohol Research UK Annual Conference 2017

Event Date
United Kingdom

Join Alcohol Research UK for their 2017 Annual Conference ‘Working together: People, practice and policy in alcohol research’, where they will explore co-production and collaboration in alcohol research and practice. The conference will combine presentations, panel debates, installations and interactive workshop ses

Alcohol Research UK Postgraduate and Early Career Symposium

Event Date
United Kingdom

The Symposium provides an ideal opportunity for early career researchers to share their findings, learn from colleagues, and develop their professional network. 

The Symposium is designed for interactive presentations and discussion among participants.

'Big data' on American Youth

Last week the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released the results of the annual Monitoring the Future Survey.
Monitoring the Future Survey

Report: Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks

VicHealth has released a report summarising a recent investigation into Australia’s consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and its harmful consequences. The key findings include: Young people in metropolitan areas drink alcohol and...
Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks

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