
Experiences from the US and Canada: Primary Prevention in a Post-Covid World

Event Date

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting pretty much everything these days including primary prevention. We at Planet Youth have been keeping in touch with our partners around the world to learn how the pandemic is affecting on-going Planet Youth projects and projects that are being started. 

Webinar: Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Date

ISSUP Ukraine is pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on mental health issues in Ukraine during the COVID-19 epidemic. The webinar is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Ukraine time)

When COVID-19 and Opioid Addiction Collide

We are witnessing, arguably, the greatest public health issue of our time. However, that is not to say the public health concerns that were present before the pandemic have disappeared. Opioid addiction and opioid-related deaths continue to...

A Realidade das Favelas no Rio de Janeiro – O Tráfico e a Pandemia – Live com Especialistas

A CNN Brasil publicou, no dia 22 de maio de 2020, uma matéria que dizia:

“Se fossem um estado avulso, as favelas do Rio estariam na 14ª posição na lista dos que mais registraram mortes pela Covid-19 no País: somam um total de 176 óbitos confirmados até esta quinta-feira (21), segundo levantamento da ONG Voz das Comunidades.

As comunidades – que, segundo o Censo 2010 do IBGE, somam 1,4 milhão de pessoas – ficariam à frente, por exemplo, de estados populosos como Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná, com mais de 10 milhões de habitantes.

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