
COVID-19 and Alcohol

Video and audio recordings
How much are people drinking while staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Are Canadians drinking more alcohol than usual and, if so, are they doing it more often? This webinar explored alcohol use during the pandemic, drawing on the...

Impact of Pandemic on Addiction Treatment Centers in Latin America

Scientific article
Preliminary report of the study "Overall impact of the pandemic in the Addiction Treatment Centers of Latin America", which aims to explain the overall impact of pandemic and isolation measures in treatment centers, identify changes in...

Resilience: How to Thrive During COVID-19

Event Date

During times of extreme stress and uncertainty, such as we are experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common to feel anxiety, depression, and even traumatic stress. The psychology of resilience offers a way to transform these normal reactions to ones that support our strength and growth. 

COVID-19 et alcool

Event Date

Quelles quantités d’alcool sont bues pendant le confinement lié à la pandémie de COVID-19? Les Canadiens boivent-ils plus d’alcool qu’à l’habitude et, si oui, le font-ils plus souvent? Les présentateurs ont abordé la consommation d’alcool pendant la pandémie et ont notamment discuté des résultats de sondages commandés par le CCDUS au printemps 2020.

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