
The Internet and Drug Markets

Summary The last decade has seen the emergence of new internet technologies that have acted as important facilitators of online drug markets. The internet now hosts a range of virtual marketplaces (both on the surface and deep web) for...

The Licensing Act (2003): Its Uses and Abuses 10 Years on

Scientific article
Seen as excluding health concerns and requiring an individualistic and ‘premises by premises’ approach, interviews with stakeholders and a revisiting of the 2003 Licensing Act for England and Wales suggest it could nevertheless be used to...

Treatment of Skid-Row Alcoholics with Disulfiram

Scientific article
Conducted in 1962 and 1963 in Atlanta in the USA, the featured article seems the first to have tested whether problem-drinking offenders will take a drug which enforces abstinence by generating deterrent reactions to alcohol, if the...

Tackling Drug Misuse and Dependence

Event Date
United Kingdom

This symposium provides an invaluable opportunity for local authorities, health and social care services, NHS and other public health specialists, the third sector and police and law enforcement agencies to discuss priorities for the next drug strategy and ways to promote partnership working at the local level to ena

Crime and Social Impacts of Alcohol

Alcohol-related crime and social disorder is estimated to cost UK taxpayers £11bn per year, at 2010/11 prices.[1] Alcohol-related crime makes up a substantial portion of violent offences across the UK (47% in England and Wales in 2014/15,[2...
Cover February 2017 IAS

Adolescents, Crime and Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol in the system was a year-long project that investigated the link between drinking and youth offending. Listed below are the project's key findings: Drink culture is rife in the UK. Access to alcohol information and support for young...

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