Get Connected: A Drug Use Prevention Revolution in Schools Nation-Wide
EUSPR Awards
Better Prevention of Drug Use, Healthy and Safe Development of Children in Belarus
UNODC Partnership with Lions Club to Develop Personal and Social Skills of Adolescents
The Results of the WHO-UNODC Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility Survey in Serbia
Online Panel Discussion: The Evidence on #Edibles
Tune into CCSA's Facebook page February 26th at 8am EST for The Evidence on #Edibles, a special Facebook Live event.
CCSA will be live streaming a panel discussion about Canada's upcoming cannabis edible legalisation.
Women, Violence, Drugs & Prison: What Works beyond Risk and Vulnerability?
The Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology invites you to the second event in the Birmingham Criminology Seminar Series.
The 5th Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference
The 5th Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference will be held at the Sea World Resort Conference Centre, Gold Coast on Monday 13 May – Wednesday 15 May 2019.
This annual conference offers a two-day educational program of speakers and a half day of workshops.