
Addiction Journal Podcast - February 2019

The Journal of Addiction has released its latest podcast which summarises the contents of the journal's February edition. The podcast includes a selection of interviews with the authors of the studies included in this month's journal.

Substance Use and the Maldives

There are decades’ worth of evidence from around the world to guide us; we need to follow it. Given the importance of the issue, I say let’s do all interventions that have shown promising results. But what does this mean for drug use in...
Substance use and the Maldives

What is the Purpose of Community Alcohol Partnerships?

Scientific article
Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAPs) are local initiatives which aim to reduce alcohol-related harm. They involve forming partnerships between the drinks industry and local governments with a particular focus on alcohol abuse and anti...

National Alcohol & Drugs Education Conference

Event Date
United Kingdom

The Alcohol Education Trust and Mentor are bringing together a group of experts to showcase evidence-based and effective practice that can be used in education settings across the UK for alcohol and drug education and prevention.

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