
Therapeutic interventions for for methamphetamine dependence

Video and audio recordings
This webinar presented an overview of evidence for treatment of methamphetamine dependence, and future directions. Crystalline methamphetamine (“ice”) is a significant and growing public health concern in Australia, with approximately 300...

Use of Technology in Psychosocial Treatment for Methamphetamine Use

Video and audio recordings
This webinar describes how telephone, mHealth (text-messaging and apps), and computer-based interventions are used in the treatment of methamphetamine use. Key elements of the webinar include the research supporting each modality...

Methamphetamine Associated Psychosis

Video and audio recordings
Through an overview of the contemporary evidence on methamphetamine use and psychosis, this clinically-focused webinar will provide participants with the opportunity to develop an understanding of how best to assess and manage individuals...

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