motivational interviewing

Transference vs. Countertransference: What’s the big deal?

You may be feeling overwhelmed by the number of new terms, theories, and practices you are learning. With all of the clinical information, you are consuming it can be easy to gloss over the concepts of transference and countertransference...

OARS Model: Essential Communication Skills

OARS is a skills-based, client-centered model of interactive techniques. These skills include verbal and non-verbal responses and behaviors that need to be culturally sensitive and appropriate. This model integrates the five principles of...

Communication Techniques - OARS

OARS is a skill-based model of interactions adapted from a client-centered approach used in Motivational Interviewing. These skill-based techniques include verbal and non-verbal responses and behaviors. Both verbal and non-verbal techniques...

ICAAD Paris 2019

Event Date

This year, our 4th iCAAD Paris day-conference will address the central theme of

Motivational Interviewing Skills Training

Event Date

The training content will include key concepts of MI, developing competence in the pathway to change, developing MI skills and practice an integration plan.

Finding Ambivalence and 10 Other Things About Motivational Interviewing

Event Date

The greatest challenge using motivational interviewing (MI) may be finding the “true” ambivalence it’s supposed to address. This webinar is designed to assist clinicians who want to use MI effectively with clients with co-occurring disorders. By returning to the basics and exploring the areas of focus and evocation, each participant will learn when it’s appropriate to use MI.

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