
SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant 2018

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant is now open for applications. Offering up to 5 million USD the grant can be used for a range of projects...
SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant

5º Congresso Internacional Freemind 2018

Event Date
Campos do Jordão

Entre os dias 19 e 22 de setembro de 2018, em Campos do Jordão, no Convention Center, acontecerá um dos maiores eventos sobre drogadição do mundo, com foco em tratamento, prevenção e mobilização.

Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Ethos, Dose, Organisation

Seminal work from Australia identified these as the three pillars of medication-based treatment of drug dependence; they form the kernel of this bite’s exploration of organisational influences on these treatments. Ethos, dose, and...

InterAction 2018

Event Date
United Kingdom

With generous support from Alcohol Research UK, the purpose of the day is to encourage the interplay and exchange of knowledge and ideas around the subject of drugs and alcohol. Speakers will be provocative and challenge received wisdoms with counter narratives.

Measuring Treatment Outcomes in Gambling Disorders

Scientific article
Abstract Background and Aims Considerable variation of outcome variables used to measure recovery in the gambling treatment literature has precluded effective cross-study evaluations and hindered the development of best-practice treatment...

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