
Alcohol and Drugs Prevention, Treatment and Recovery: Why Invest?

Estimates show that in the UK the social and economic costs of alcohol related harm amount to £21.5bn, while harm from illicit drug use costs £10.7bn. These include costs associated with deaths, the NHS, crime and, in the case of alcohol...

Recovery Support Technologies

Event Date
New York
United States

Educational Event: Technology offers one more avenue by which the behavioral health field can provide

Commissioning Impact on Drug Treatment

Based on research, financial data and stakeholder surveys and testimonies, the UK government’s official drug policy advisers warn that without significant efforts to protect investment and quality, in England “loss of funding will result in...

Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: What Is Drug Addiction Treatment for?

The first matrix cell on treatment (as opposed to harm reduction) seems a good time to ask: What is treatment there to do? ‘Cure’ addiction, or promote meaningful and productive lives? Meet patients’ wishes, or aid the government’s welfare...

The Importance of Nutrition for Recovery from Addiction

Scientific article
How important is nutrition for recovery from Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)? According to new research published in the academic journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence the answer is: very. The paper, which looked at the relationship between...

Decisions in Recovery: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

This handbook provides guidance on using the web-based, multimedia tool 'Decisions in Recovery: Medications for Opioid Addiction'. This handbook and the web-based tool offer information about medication-assisted treatment. Both resources...

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