
Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has recently teamed up with the National Recovery Advisory Committee to produce the first Canadian survey of people in recovery from drug addiction and/or alcoholism. The findings...

New Resources from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released a number of new resources. These are aimed at those working within the criminal justice system and other environments where people in recovery from drug addiction are ready to return...

Whole Family Recovery

This document provides an overview of themes that emerged from the Adfam’s Whole Family Recovery and Alcohol Focus Groups and interviews. This research was conducted to scope the impacts of the recovery of someone with an alcohol problem on...
Whole Family Recovery

Real Voices in Volunteering

Adfam published this volunteering toolkit to provide all the information, policy, law and resources needed on volunteering, families and substance use. Volunteers have always played an essential role in the family support and substance use...
Volunteering toolkit

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