Profile picture for user ibrahimdalia847 Dalia Elsayed Ismail Ibrahim Elsayed Ismail General Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment-Ministry of Health and Population
Profile picture for user dr.abdallagouda Abdalla Gouda Fund of drug control and treatment of addiction
Profile picture for user amanyhelrasheed Amany Haroun El Rasheed ERADA Center for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation, Dubai, UAE; Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Profile picture for user ranafawzy259 Rana Hashem Psychological Medicine Hospital Adel Sadek , Cairo and Misr Algadida hospital, ministry of health, cairo
Profile picture for user dr.moustafahassan Dr. Moustafa Hassan Community Development Authority CDA - Dubai. UAE
Profile picture for user hala.hesham Hala Mohamed Heneedak Mohamed Heneedak Egyptian Forensic Medicine Authority
Profile picture for user mohamedhosameldin45 Mohamed Hosameldin Abdelsalam Abdelrahim Maamoura Mental health hospital
Profile picture for user dohafakhry97 Doha Hossam ibrahim hosny mohamed Fakhry AinShams university hospital
Profile picture for user med.sally77 Sally Ibrahim Noby Ibrahim Noby General Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, Ministry of Health
Profile picture for user khamisatteya Khamis Atteyat-Allah Khalaf Dabaa Advanced School for Nuclear Power Technology
Profile picture for user yousrakhalid28889 Yousra khaled elmesalami Heliopolis psychiatry and addiction hospital
Profile picture for user mohmabrouk28 Mohamed Mabrouk Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
Profile picture for user tamer_mahmaud Tamer Mahmood Abo AL Atta Al Amal hospital, ministry of Health and Prevention, UAE