Profile picture for user nehal.j.soliman Nehal Gamal Abdel Azim Solima Abbasya Mental Health Hospital
Profile picture for user minasherif Mina Sherif Soliman Georgy Soliman Ministry of Health and Population - Abbassia Psychiatric Hospital
Profile picture for user wessamtaher16 WESSAM TAHER AL Mamoura Hosoital For Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment
Profile picture for user ahmedsabertohamy Ahmed Tohamy Egyptian Fellowship Program, Ministry of Health, Egypt
Profile picture for user dr.basma.tolba Basma Tolba 1- Harvard Medical school Associated Alumni.2- High Institute of Public Health (HIPH), Mental Health department, Alexandra, Egypt.3- Ain Shams University (ASU), Neuropsychiatry department, Faculty of Medicine, Cario, Egypt.
Profile picture for user nanis_freedom Nanis William International Substance Abuse & Addiction Counseling Studies, Freedom Program,
Profile picture for user Rania_Zakaria1 Rania Zakaria Radwan General secretariat of mental health and addiction treatment
Profile picture for user hagermohamedhelal22 هاجر محمد عبدالعزيز مصيلحي هلال العزيزية مركز منيا القمح الشرقية موسسه علاج نفسي وادمان
Profile picture for user rehabshawky1984 Rehab Shawky Saleh The International Commission for Human Rights in Egypt