FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Redesign

Funding for travel

Is financial assistance available for participants whose abstracts are accepted for the Thessaloniki 2024?

Unfortunately not. Speakers must cover their expenses for their participation.

Are there any scholarship opportunities available?

Funding applications are now closed and only the self-pay option is now available.

Is travel funding provided for participants selected for the training?

There are no more slots for travel funding.

How can I attend on a self-pay basis?

The event is free of charge. Please make sure you register for the event and visit our Thessaloniki 2024 Page.


VISA information and Accommodation

Can ISSUP help me with the process of obtaining a VISA to participate in the event?

ISSUP is not responsible for any process to obtain a VISA to participate in the event. 

How can I have an official confirmation letter for personal arrangements?

If you require an official confirmation letter for personal arrangements, please log in to your ISSUP account and go to 'My ISSUP', where you will find a 'Download ISSUP Thessaloniki 2024 confirmation letter' link in the 'My Membership' section.

Where can I stay in Thessaloniki?

We have some hotel suggestions on the Visas and Accommodation page.


Registration and Cancellation

How can I register for the Thessaloniki 2024? 

Register for the event here.

Do I have to be a Member of ISSUP to attend the meeting?

Yes, you have to be a member of ISSUP to attend the meeting. If you are not already a member, you will automatically join when you register for the event.

How can I cancel my participation in the event or training?

If your plans change and you want to cancel your registration, please contact event [at] thessaloniki2024 [dot] org (event[at]thessaloniki2024[dot]org).

How will the onsite registration happen? 

All registrants will receive an e-mail with the Registration Barcode before the event, from: 2024 Global Event - Thessaloniki <bounce [at] eventdata [dot] gr (bounce[at]eventdata[dot]gr)> with the Subject: 2024 Global Event  | NAME TAG pick up

Upon arrival at the Welcome & Registration Desk, present and scan your personal Registration Barcode and your Name Tag will be ready in a few seconds.

It is important to have your Registration Barcode with you upon arrival!

You can save it by:
- downloading it on your phone
- making a print screen and saving it on your phone photo album
- printing it

Find more information here.

Will I have a conference bag?

Yes, all participants will have a conference bag, on the Welcome & Registration Desk.


About Thessaloniki 

Where can I find useful information about Thessaloniki?

Please visit our About Thessaloniki 2024 page to have more information on currency, weather climate, useful telephone numbers and more.

Do you have restaurants to recommend?

The local partner curated a list of nice spots. You can check it here.


Getting Around

How do I get to the event?

You can find some options on how to get around the city on our Getting Around page

Are there any city maps available?

There are some maps available here.


Programme Information 

When does the Thessaloniki 2024 start and end?

Most training sessions and side events start on Monday, the 24th of June and end on the 28th of June. The Thessaloniki 2024 Plenary Sessions are from Wednesday, the 26th of June to the 28th of June. 

In what language is the meeting presented?

All training sessions will be in English. As for the Plenary sessions, the official language is English, with Spanish interpretation available. 

How can I access the online conference programme?


The conference programme contains a variety of simultaneous sessions, workshops, and training sessions, as well as parallel cultural events, creating a unique atmosphere for learning, training, and increasing awareness of the sector, but also networking in a vibrant Mediterranean setting. 

The best way to access the programme is via an app. For more information and to download please visit: https://guidebook.com/g/thessaloniki2024/ 

Or, you can look at the programme online here: https://www.issup.net/about-issup/workshops/thessaloniki-2024/programme 


Virtual Attendance

Will there be a virtual event?

There won´t be a virtual event, but the sessions will be recorded and available from September on the ISSUP Website.


Social Events

Will there be any evening events?

Yes, the social programme can be found here.


Abstracts and Training Sessions 

When can I expect to hear about the acceptance of my abstract?

Someone from ISSUP and ICUDDR must have emailed you by the end of April, notifying you of your abstract. If you haven´t been contacted, please send an e-mail to: event [at] thessaloniki2024 [dot] org (event[at]thessaloniki2024[dot]org)

When will I find out if I've been selected for the training I registered for?

Our training partners will review all applications during February and contact participants during April and May.

Are there open workshops during the event?

Yes, we have 8 different workshops, and no registrations are required. Please see the Programme page.


Presenter Information

I am a speaker, where can I find information on the oral presentations?

A complete guide to speakers is attached at the Presenter Information page, where you will see the document attached. You will find information about content focus, sources and copyright compliance, tips on how to engage the audience, technical requirements, multimedia elements and logistics. 

If you have any questions about your participation, please contact event [at] thessaloniki2024 [dot] org (event[at]thessaloniki2024[dot]org)

Is there a poster guideline?

Yes, there is. You can find a guideline here



What are the Covid-19 rules?

There are no restrictions at the moment - we are monitoring this closely.

What is the proper dress code for the event?

We recommend wearing business casual attire that's comfortable, considering the warm weather and potential walking distance to the venue.

Will WiFi be available for attendees in the convention centre?

Yes. WiFi will be available.

Will any food or refreshments be available during the event?

Yes. Lunch will be provided at the Venue.

Is there information about the Venue ?

There is information about the venue here.


Useful Information

Are there Photocopying shops close to the conference venue?

There are copy shops near the conference venue. For printing services, you may contact the print shop ΞΗΡΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ or ΑΝΤΙΤΥΠΟ, which are located near HELEXPO.
CONTACT INFO: XIROGRAFIA  - K. Melenikou str 7, 54 635 Thessaloniki T: +30 2310 209211 | E: info [at] xirografia [dot] gr (info[at]xirografia[dot]gr)
CONTACT INFO: ANTITYPO - K. Melenikou str 21, 54635 Thessaloniki T: +30 2310 214 681 | E: antitipo [at] yahoo [dot] gr (antitipo[at]yahoo[dot]gr)

What does the weather look like in Thessaloniki in June?

Come prepared for the heat!

The climate in Greece is typical of the Mediterranean climate, which is mild and rainy winters, and relatively warm and dry summers with, generally, long sunshine duration almost all the year.

The northern areas of Greece have a transitional climate between the continental and the Mediterranean climate. In the summer the climate is very warm around Thessaloniki. The mean temperature average in June is 36*C.

Also important: It is recommended to bring mosquito repellent. 



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