Presenter Information


The Art of Healing: A new era in substance use prevention, harm reductiontreatment and recovery support.

This event will bring the latest learning from the field of substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery support and allow the global workforce to meet and exchange knowledge and evidence-based practices. 24th - 28th June will be the days dedicated to plenary, sub-plenary and poster sessions.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is now closed.

Thank you for all the abstract submissions! We are proud to have received so many applications!

Presenter Information 

A complete guide to speakers is attached at the end of this Page. 

In this document, you will find information about content focus, sources and copyright compliance, tips on how to engage audience, technical requirements, multimedia elements and logistics. 

If you have any questions about your participation, please contact event [at] thessaloniki2024 [dot] org

Poster Information and Guidelines

The Poster Session will take place from Wednesday to Friday, June 26th to 28th in the Vellidis building, Room CC_1 (lunch area).

Sessions will take place from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm each day.

TIF-HELEXPO International Exhibition & Congress Centre 

Ilustrative poster photo

Preparing Your Poster

  • Based on your approved abstract you may prepare a poster for the poster session at the conference
  • Panels are 2 meters x 1 meter width (boards are vertical, please see photo attached); thus, posters must fit within these dimensions.
  • Use large letters, centred at the top of the poster, to display abstract titles, author names, and institution name
  • Briefly summarize your abstract into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions
  • Emphasize graphics
  • Use handouts if you want to present more details
  • Include the presenter’s name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address
  • All poster presentations must include a disclosure of any conflict of interest

At the ISSUP International Research Poster Session

  • Posters will be arranged by research topic (e.g. basic science, epidemiology, prevention, or treatment)
  • The presenting author must be adjacent to his or her poster during the assigned portion of the session. All presenters will have ample time to view other posters presented during the same session. Note: Substitute presenters are not permitted without prior approval
  • Display boards, push pins, and tape will be provided
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