Recovery Survey
The Global Recovery Network is committed to providing valuable and relevant content for our community.
To ensure our upcoming webinar series aligns with the needs and interests of our audience, we have developed this survey with U.S...
NACADA together with its partners SAPTA, Blue Cross Kenya, SCAD, Marantha Restoration Homes, Project 1:11, Carlton Hall Consulting, African Institute for Children Studies, Shamiri Institute and Slum Child Foundation held the first ever...
Patterns of remission from alcohol dependence in the United Kingdom: results from an online panel general population survey
Previous research has demonstrated that remissions from alcohol use disorders can occur without accessing treatment. The current study explored the prevalence of such untreated remissions in the UK and further, examined the...
Review of Competency-Based Models and Quality Standards in Training and Education in the Addiction Field: Study Protocol
There is a growing trend of development and improvement of education and training in the field of addictions, hand in hand with the increase and changes of substance use-related issues. To ensure a high level of education...
Stigmatizing imagery for substance use disorders: a qualitative exploration
Apply to become an ITTC Member
The International Technology Transfer Center (ITTC) is accepting applications for new members!
ITTC is a global network dedicated to advancing technology and innovation. Through culturally and linguistically appropriate, cutting-edge...
A UK national study of prevalence and correlates of adopting or not adopting a recovery identity among individuals who have overcome a drug or alcohol problem
In the last 20 years, the term "recovery" has become crucial in dealing with addiction. However, different groups, such as researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and people with lived experience of alcohol or drug (AOD)...
The Power of Words: A Deep Dive into the Language of Addiction
Language is a multifaceted tool that not only reflects human thoughts but actively molds them. It functions as both a window and a barrier in human communication, revealing the depths of cultural, historical, and personal beliefs while also...
Lisbon Addictions 2024: Call for abstracts
Lisbon Addictions 2024 is a multidisciplinary conference that provides both a forum for networking and an opportunity to showcase cutting-edge research. The conference is intended to inform policy development and practice through a better...
International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD) - Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): July - December
Here you can find the latest release of the International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD). Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD) is a forum of Centros de Integración Juvenil hopes, aimed to promote the...
Acceptability of using mobile Health (mHealth) as an intervention tool for people with drug use disorders in Tanga, Tanzania
Evidence on the additional benefit in treatment and recovery process among PWDUD using digital health interventions is lacking. This study aimed to describe the acceptability of using a digital intervention to increase information...
Development of an addiction recovery patient-reported outcome measure: Response to Addiction Recovery (R2AR)
Recovery, a primary goal of addiction treatment, goes beyond abstinence. It encompasses various aspects that differ among individuals, making it challenging to measure. Traditional assessments in addiction care have focused on...
Alarming Statistics: Over One Million Young Drivers Imperil Lives with Marijuana and Alcohol Behind the Wheel
Driving under the influence (DUI) of psychoactive substances is an issue of paramount concern in both public health and the criminal justice system. It affects millions of Americans yearly, and while there is extensive research on DUI among...
Thailand: Moving from punishment to treatment of people who use drugs
Development of an addiction recovery patient-reported outcome measure: Response to Addiction Recovery (R2AR)
Recovery, a primary goal of addiction treatment, goes beyond abstinence. Incorporating broad domains with key elements that vary across individuals, recovery is a difficult concept to measure. Most addiction-related quality...
Stigmatising imagery for substance use disorders
Stigma is a barrier to treatment for individuals with substance use issues. Although there has been research conducted exploring the impact of stigmatising language, less is known about the effects of stigmatising images.
This qualitative...
UNODC conducted Regional Training of Trainers on UTC 20 in Central Asia
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia in collaboration with Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, UNODC HQ held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place...
“People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention and treatment” in Mexico
“I had to become a person with drug use disorders to realize that we are all human.”
These heartfelt words come from Brenda Torres Carrillo, a nurse working with the civil association PrevenCasa in Tijuana and a former user of drugs:...
Ecolink Institute hosts international panel discussion on "People First"
Ecolink Institute, an approved Training Provider of the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program hosted an online panel discussion on Social Stigma in connection with the International Drug Awareness Day on 27 June 2023 which underlined the need...
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