Risk Behaviour of Adolescents Aged 10–15 in Slovakia. Relation to Sex, Age, and Body Mass Index
BACKGROUND: As a theoretical base we used Jessor’s concept of the Syndrome of Risk Behaviour in Adolescence, the self-concept, and the concept of body image.
AIM: The main aim of the contribution was research on the relations between the...
Gender, employment, and continuous pandemic as predictors of alcohol and drug consumption during the COVID-19.
This study aims to assess the impacts of the continuous pandemic state, gender and employment status on changes in substance use during the COVID-19 outbreak.
A sample of 828 Israelis participated in an online survey...
Substances use between early and later stages of the COVID 19 pandemic in Israel
Only several empirical studies have examined substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic in general populations. Most of these studies compared self-reported substances use before the pandemic and during the pandemic's early stages...
How wastewater monitoring can boost preparedness for new health threats
Objective: to explore wastewater analysis as a methodology contributing to EU preparedness and response
Background: COVID-19 has raised the attention of Europe, and globally, on the importance of readiness towards potential emergencies...
Moving towards a continuum of safer supply options for people who use drugs: A qualitative study exploring national perspectives on safer supply among professional stakeholders in Canada
Novel public health interventions are needed to address the toxic drug supply and meet the needs of people who use drugs amidst the overdose crisis. Safer supply – low-barrier distribution of pharmaceutical grade substances –...
Mortality and life-years lost following subsequent physical comorbidity in people with pre-existing substance use disorders: a national registry-based retrospective cohort study of hospitalised individuals in Czechia
Substance use disorders constitute a major global public health problem, attributable largely to their subsequent comorbidity with other health conditions. This study aimed to investigate the risk of all-cause death...
Cannabis y Adolescencia
Effect of Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerine Ratio in E-Liquid on Aerosol Formation: Overview of Relevant Properties
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) generate an aerosol by vaporising e-liquids that usually consist of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerine (VG), and other ingredients (water, nicotine, and flavours). The...
Contribution of SocioDemographic and Structured Leisure Activities’ Characteristics to Adolescents’ Alcohol Use
Leisure can be a context that can promote positive adolescent development, but it can also be a context that contributes to adolescents engaging in risk behaviours.
The aim of this study is to determine the extent...
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in the Czech Republic: Study Design
Screening and brief interventions (SBI) consist of a variety of activities aimed at people who engage in risky alcohol drinking, but who are not severely alcohol-dependent. Many studies have proved that SBI might serve as a...
Patterns of Heated Tobacco Product Use Among Czech Adult Tobacco Users in 2020: An Online Survey
Heated tobacco products represent a new phenomenon, called novel tobacco products, and one that is not unique to the Czech market. These are electronic tobacco heating and aerosol-producing devices. Although studies on the...
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)-SA: Implementation, Results, and Implications for Policy
Changes in Emergency Department Visits for Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome Following Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Subsequent Commercialization in Ontario, Canada
Importance Prior research suggests that the legalization of recreational cannabis is associated with increases in cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), but it is unclear how cannabis commercialization (ie, greater retail store...
د مخدره توکو په اړه د اروپا ویب سروې 2021: په لبنان کې بیړنۍ موندنې
د مخدره توکو په اړه د اروپا ویب سروې د مارچ او می په 2021 کې د هغو خلکو څخه معلومات راټول کړل چې مخدره توکی کاروی ، 18 کلن یا ډیر عمر لری ، او په 21 EU او 9 غیر EU هیوادونو کې ژوند کوی پشمول لبنان. پدې موده کې ، په ډیری اروپایی او ګاونډیو...
Adolescents with substance use problems in outpatient treatment: a one-year prospective follow-up study focusing on mental health and gender differences
Although several studies have found a high incidence of coexisting mental health problems among adolescents with substance use problems, follow-up studies addressing how these conditions change over time are rare. The study...
په انګلستان کې د ځوانانو ترمنځ د بریښنایی سګرټ کارول ، 2022
د کلیدی موندنو لنډیز
په انګلستان کې د ای سګریټونو پرمختللی ځوان کارول د 11-18 کلن عمر لرونکو 2013-2022 د ASH Smokefree GB سروې په کارولو سره څارل کیږی (د میتودولوژی لپاره ضمیمه 2 وګورئ) ، د تنباکو کارولو کې د بدلونونو او د ای سګریټ...
د نشه یی توکو د مخنیوی ، درملنې او د پاملرنې د ځوابونو په اړه د ۲۰۲۲ کال د UNODC د نړۍ د نشه یی توکو د رپوټ په اړه روښانه شوې پیښې
ISSUP د پنجشنبې په ورځ د ۲۰۲۲ کال د جولای په اوومه یو ویبنار وړاندې کړ ، چې په کې ګیوانا کمپلو ، د مخنیوی ، درملنې او بیا جوړونې برخې مشره ، د ملګرو ملتونو د نشه یی توکو او جرمونو په وړاندې کولو دفتر د ۲۰۲۲ کال د نړیوال نشه یی توکو د...
International Collaboration Activities: Which role for ECMAPS in tackling global health challenges? - Sophia Achab, Day 5, 11:00-12:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 16th May, 2022
- International Collaboration Activities: Which role for ECMAPS in tackling global health challenges...
COVID 19 — په سویلی افریقا کې د درملنې او برابرولو په برخه کې د مادې د کارولو اغېز
د کروناویروس ناروغۍ ۲۰۱۹ ( COVID - 19 ) پانډمیک په ټوله نړۍ کې د مادې د استعمال د بې نظمیو ( SUDs ) په ناروغۍ اخته شوی دی. د دې څیړنې موخه دا وه چې د SUD د درملنې د برخې په شمیر کې چې د پاندمیک په وخت کې برابر شوی دی ، او همدارنګه...
له جنایی عدالتی سیستم سره د ځوانانو په تماس کې د حشیشو د قانونی کولو اغیز
د کاناډا د توکو د استعمال او اعتیاد مرکز ( CCSA ) ډاکټر اکووسی اووسو - بېمپه او ډاکټر اسکویټ ورټلی ته د تورنټو پوهنتون څخه د ځوانانو د متقابلو فعالیتونو د څېړنې لپاره د جرمی عدالت د سیستم سره د څېړنې لپاره ، د هغو متقابلو فعالیتونو د طبیعت...
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