Alcohol Misuse in the Armed Forces
Best Practices for Successful Reentry for People Who Have Opioid Addictions
د مادې د استعمال د بې نظمۍ د درملنې د یوې برخې په توګه د بدن د پوهاوی په اړه د ذهن درلودونکی روزنه
ویبرنار: څنګه د دماغی روغتیا او د مادې د استعمال بې نظمۍ په ځوانانو باندې اغېزه کوی؟
دا ویبنار به په اسټرالیا کې د ځوانانو په منځ کې د ذهنی او د مادې د استعمال د خرابیو په اړه د څېړنې په اړه یو تازه معلومات وړاندې کړی.
دا به پوښتنه وکړی :
- څومره ځوانان د ذهنی او د مادې د استعمال د بې نظمۍ سره یو ځای تجربه کوی؟
- تاثیر څه شی...
Effectiveness Bank Additions: Therapy Relationships that Work 4: Managing Perceptions of the Treatment
Clients’ perceptions of and reactions to treatment are the focus of this final of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association. Emerging from psychotherapy research worldwide are practical and effective...
د توریانو ، هیسپینیانو ، او سپین یانو په منځ کې د خدماتو د کارولو او د نشه یی توکو د کارولو د خرابوالی توپیر
د نشه یی توکو د کارولو د بې نظمۍ درملنه اغیزمنه کیدی شی، مګر یوازې د یو کوچنی برخه خلک چې د DUD سره وی د درملنې په هڅه کې دی او یا یې ترلاسه کوی. د نژادی او قومی تداوی توپیرونو او ناانډولیو په اړه څېړنې لا هم ناروښانه پاتې...
د طبی مرستې درملنې او دولس مرحلې برنامې ترکیب: یو لید او بیاکتنه
هغه خلک چې د شدید موادو کارولو اختلالات لری د لومړنۍ درملنې وروسته اوږدمهاله بیارغونې ته اړتیا لری. په هرصورت ، د دې پاملرنې شتون کې نیمګړتیا شتون لری. دا ممکن د ناکافی طبی پوښښ او په ډیری درملنې تاسیساتو کې د ټولنې میشته دولس...
A Conceptual Model for Understanding Post-Release Opioid-Related Overdose Risk
Post-release opioid-related overdose mortality is the leading cause of death among people released from jails or prisons (PRJP). Informed by the proximate determinants framework, this paper presents the Post-Release Opioid...
Cues Give Clues in Relapse Prevention
More than 85% of people who give up an addictive drug begin using it again within a year. Relapse can occur following exposure to cues that are found in the environment which trigger the memory of their drug-taking experience. These cues...
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Substance Use Disorder
Introduction and Aims
Cognitive impairments in substance use disorder predict treatment outcome and are assumed to differ between substances. They often go undetected, thus the current study focuses on the prevalence of and...
په نایجریا کې د نشه یی توکو کارول
Tobacco Smoking and Mortality in Asia: A Pooled Meta-Analysis
Key Points
Question: How are secular trends of tobacco smoking associated with mortality across countries or regions by birth cohorts in Asia?
Findings: This pooled meta-analysis of 1 002 258 participants in 20 prospective cohort...
موثریت بانک زیاتونه : د درملنې اړیکې چې کار کوی 2 : د اتحاد عناصر
Cross-Cultural Applicability of the 12-Step Model: A Comparison of Narcotics Anonymous in the USA and Iran
Objective: Narcotics Anonymous (NA), a nonprofessional 12-step fellowship for people seeking recovery from addiction, reports 27,677 meetings in the USA, where it was founded, but there is limited literature on its adaptability...
Drogodependencia asociado a baja adherencia a la terapia antiretroviral de gran actividad en el Hospital Loayza 2013 -2015
Objetivo: Conocer si existe asociación entre mala adherencia anual a la Terapia Antiretroviral de Gran Actividad (TARGA) y la dependencia al alcohol y/o drogas a los dos años de tratamiento. Junio 2013 a Junio 2015. Métodos de...
Effectiveness Bank Additions: Therapy Relationships that Work 1: The Alliance
First of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association featuring expert advice and amalgamations of research findings on different aspects of the client-therapist relationship. With the overview of the...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Do Interventions to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms also Reduce Domestic Abuse?
In celebration of International Women’s Day we are highlighting studies throughout the month of March that further our understanding of how sex and gender influence the course of addiction and treatment, with a particular focus on women.
...Addiction 101
The Recovery Research Institute have developed a new website that aims to answer the most common questions asked about addiction.
Addiction 101 addresses questions such as:
- What is the prevalence and cause of addiction?
- What does...
Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders: Current Practices and Promising Perspectives
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