Using Technology in the Field of Substance Use
May Student Membership Update
Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Outpatient Treatment Completion
A study exploring the completion of outpatient substance use disorder treatment has highlighted racial and ethnic health disparities.
The research team utilised a sample of 416,224 outpatient discharges in the study which found people...
Experiences of a Motivational Interview Delivered by a Robot: Qualitative Study
Background: Motivational interviewing is an effective intervention for supporting behavior change but traditionally depends on face-to-face dialogue with a human counselor. This study addressed a key challenge for the goal of...
د الکولو لپاره د حد اقل قیمت د تطبیق په اړه لارښود
Evaluación de la Estrategia Nacional para el abordaje del problema drogas en Uruguay
Este documento presenta los hallazgos de la evaluación externa de la Estrategia Nacional de Drogas (END) desarrollada por un equipo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República en el último trimestre del 2014. El...
SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant 2018
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant is now open for applications. Offering up to 5 million USD the grant can be used for a range of projects...
Ventajas del alfa ordinal respecto al alfa de Cronbach ilustradas con la encuesta AUDIT-OMS
Objetivos: Exponer las ventajas de la utilización del alfa ordinal para situaciones en que no se cumplan los supuestos del alfa de Cronbach y mostrar la utilidad del alfa ordinal con la versión chilena del AUDIT, así como...
United Kingdom Drug Situation: Focal Point Annual Report
The United Kingdom Focal Point on Drugs (UK Focal Point) 2017 report is available on the UK government's digital portal.
Based at Public Health England, the UK Focal Point is the national partner of the European Monitoring Centre for...
Medication for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Health and Human Services US Government Department (HSS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) have collaborated to create a manual on...
د سامهاسه څخه د سرچینو نوی مرکز
د اروپایی اتحادیې د نشه یی توکو استعمال د فاضلابو د تحلیل له لارې په ډاګه شو
د نشه یی توکو او نشه یی توکو د روږدی کیدو لپاره د اروپا د څارنې مرکز ( EMCDDA ) د دوی د فاضلابو د تحلیل د څیړنې پایله خپره کړې ده. د اروپایی اتحادیې پروژې د ۶۰ اروپایی ښارونو او ښارونو شاوخوا د فاضلابو تجزیه وکړه.
دې کار محقیقینو ته...
نوی ډیټاسیټ د زړه د مغزو د پراختیا د څیړنې څخه ترلاسه شوی
د ۲۰۱۸ کال په فبرورۍ کې د امریکا د روغتیا ملی انستیتیوت ( NIH ) د دماغو د پرمختګ د یوې بې سارې څیړنې څخه لومړنی ډاټاسیټ ، د ماشومانو د مغز ودې ( ABCD ) مطالعه خپره کړه.
دغه څیړنه تر نن پورې د ۷۵۰۰ څخه زیات ځوانان او د هغوی کورنۍ په کې...
New from SAMHSA: Medications for Opioid Use Disorders
e-Addictology: An Overview of New Technologies for Assessing and Intervening in Addictive Behaviors
Background: New technologies can profoundly change the way we understand psychiatric pathologies and addictive disorders. New concepts are emerging with the development of more accurate means of collecting live data, computerized...
Recommendations for NIDA's Cannabis Policy Research Agenda
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released a new report Recommendations for NIDA's Cannabis Policy Research Agenda.
The document has been prepared by the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse Workgroup which was formed...
The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies
The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria have released The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies.
Comprising of a set of guidelines, methods, and tools this resource was produced with...
په چلندی روغتیایی خدمتونو کې د ټکنالوجۍ پر بنسټ د درملنې له وسیلې څخه ګټه اخیستل
School-Based Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention – What Works?
School-Based Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention – What Works? is a new briefing paper published by Mentor-Adepis. It outlines several approaches that have been shown to work effectively, and issues cautions about those that have not...
د نشه یی توکو د پالیسۍ ارزونه
د نشه یی توکو د پالیسۍ ارزونه: د ارزونو د سمبالولو او سمبالولو د ملاتړ لپاره یو اووه ګامه لارښود د اروپایی ټولنې د څارنې د مرکز له خوا د نشه یی توکو او نشه یی توکو د روږدو د مخنیوی مرکز ( EMCDDA) یوه نوې سرچینه ده. سند د نشه یی توکو د...
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