Normalisation of Prevention Principles and Practices to Reduce Substance Use Disorders Through an Integrated Dissemination and Implementation Framework
Major research breakthroughs over the past 30 years in the field of substance use prevention have served to:
(1) enhance understanding of pharmacological effects on the nervous systems and the health and social consequences of the use of...
Free Telementoring Mentoring Program Aims to Bring Research-Based Practices and Skills Related to Health Care Professionals Working with People who Use Alcohol
The Alcohol Use and Mental Health Project ECHO is a no-cost virtual program for health care professionals who are looking for up-to-date and research-based information on working with people who use alcohol.
The program, which is only...
د مخدره توکو کارولو او روانی روغتیا خدماتو ملی سروې (N-SUMHSS) ، 2021: د موادو کارولو او روانی روغتیا درملنې اسانتیاو په اړه معلومات
N-SUMHSS په متحده ایالاتو ، د هغې سیمو ، او DC کې د ټولو فعال موادو کارولو او روانی روغتیا تاسیساتو رضاکارانه کلنی سروې ده. کلنی راپور د مخدره توکو کارولو او روانی روغتیا تاسیساتو عمومی پروفایل ، د درملو / درملو کارول ، د ژبې مرستې چمتو شوی...
Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth
The report provides behavioural health professionals, researchers, policymakers and other audiences with a comprehensive research overview and accurate information about effective and ineffective therapeutic practices related to youth of...
د ښځو پر وړاندې د تاوتریخوالی د مخنیوی د مرکز د نهمې کلیزې په مناسبت
ټولنیز شرم د ښځینه موادو کاروونکو درملنې لپاره اصلی خنډ دی.
ټولنیز شرم هغه دلیل دی چې ولې هغه میرمنې چې مواد کاروی د درملنې په لټه کې نه دی. د ښځو په منځ کې د مخدره توکو د ناوړه ګټه اخیستنې کچه د نارینه وو تر څنګ په ویره کې وده کوی. که...
کورپاڼه/دلوبغاړو په اړه/د نیکوتین استعمال- د نورو درملو کارول؟
Determinants of cigarette smoking and smoking frequency among women of reproductive age in Nigeria: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey
In the entire world, smoking is a major contributor to preventable deaths and years of life with a disability. Nevertheless, little is known about the factors that influence women's smoking habits. This study evaluated the...
The Relationship Between Trauma and Substance Use Among Healthcare Workers: A Cross Sectional Analysis
NIH shared this abstract: Trauma exposure is prevalent in the general population, but healthcare workers may be at greater risks for additional work-related trauma. Trauma is a known risk factor for substance use, particularly tobacco and...
Exploring the association of meaning in life with psychological distress in male patients with substance use disorder in Pakistan
The objective of the present research is to explore the predictive association of meaning in life (presence & search) with psychological distress (depression, anxiety & stress) in people with substance use disorder. Sample of...
تر 2030 پورې په اروپا کې د مخدره توکو څارنه
معرفی شرکت
په اروپا کې د مخدره توکو په بازار کې د مخدره توکو کارول او پرمختګونه خورا پیچلی او متحرک کیږی ، د مخدره توکو نظارت او څیړنې لپاره لوی تاثیرات لری. دې مشاهدې د مخدره توکو او ډرګ روږدی کیدو لپاره د اروپا نظارت مرکز (EMCDDA)...
Signing of MoU between Gujranwala Police Officer and Mian Afzal Trust Hospital, Gujranwala Pakistan
City police officer (CPO) Gujranwala Ayyaz Saleem and Chairman, Mian Afzal Trust Hospital Gujranwala Mr Sana Ullah Rathore signed MoU between Gujranwala Police and Mian Afzal Trust Hospital Gujranwala Pakistan for cooperation in provision...
Improving alcohol management in primary health care in Mexico
Alcohol screening, brief advice and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in primary health care is an effective strategy to decrease alcohol consumption at population level. However, there is relatively scarce evidence...
New Psychoactive Substances in the Homeless Population: A Cross-Sectional Study in the United Kingdom
The last few years have seen the emergence of new psychoactive substances among the homeless population, specifically synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and...
The impact of childhood trauma and mental disorders among people with opioid dependence
Tom Santo Jr presented at the NDARC Webinar Series on Thursday, 16 February 2023.
How do childhood trauma and mental disorders affect health, treatment and social outcomes among people with opioid dependence?
Research has found that...
اپیدیمولوژی نسخه اپیید در ایران
ډاکټر جله غلامی د پنجشنبې په ورځ ، د مارچ په 9 ، 2023 کې د NDARC ویبینار لړۍ کې وړاندې شو.
ایران، چې په منځنی ختیځ کې موقعیت لری، د اپیوایډونو د مصرف لوړه کچه او د مخدره توکو د کارولو مختلف ډولونه لری. په دې ویبینار کې به موږ په ایران کې...
I had nothing, and drugs don’t leave”: Young offenders’ perspectives on Alcohol and Other Drugs (AoD)
This webinar looked at the contexts of young offenders’ alcohol and other drug use and the implications for harm reduction strategies.
The importance of multi-level interventions that move beyond ‘victim blaming’ and ‘individual...
د خبر پاterې شمېره 25، مارچ 2023
ISSUP هند د هند د ډیلی عالی محکمې څخه د هنبل قاضیانو لخوا د مخدره توکو په کارولو کې د ماشومانو سره د دوی د کار لپاره ستاینه شوې.
El trago estándar en México: Una herramienta para la prevención del uso nocivo del alcohol
Obra que explica los usos y aplicaciones del trago estándar para la prevención del uso nocivo del alcohol.
Terapias cognitivo-conductuales en México
El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos pretende reflejar el origen, antecedentes y estado actual a nivel mundial y en México de las terapias cognitivo-conductuales, así como los diferentes ámbitos a su alcance, de los cuales aquí solo...
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