
AnnetteAnnette Dale-Perera 

Director, ADP Consultancy UKInternational consultant, UNODC and Colombo Plan and visiting academic Middlesex University, London

What is effective in drug disorder treatment: what we can learn from the evidence‐base about what “works” and what “doesn’t work”


Bilal Ahmad  

Programme Director, SPYM; ISSUP India

From Principles to Practice: A case study of treatment provision in India.


Professor Harry Sumnall

Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom

Quality Standards, Evidence‐base, and Ethics: Fundamentals for Drug Demand Reduction.


Giovanna Campello

Chief, Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section, UNODC

Evidence‐based principles for working in Prevention: a consideration of the theory and science behind the principles


Jeff Lee

Manager, ISSUP Scientific Support Team

Background to the conference theme


Olha Myshakivska

Psychiatrist, Lviv Regional Psychiatric Hospital; ISSUP National Coordinator, Asia Region 

A Case Study for Recovery Support in 3 countries.


Hendrée E. Jones

Executive & Division Director, UNC Horizons, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Evidence-based principles for working in Recovery support: a consideration of the theory and science.

Fernando Salaza

Dr Fernando Salazar

Principal Professor, Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Lima, Peru

Applying the Principles to Practice in Peru: The UPC case study.


Anthony Abi Zeid

 Programs Associate, Mentor Arabia; ISSUP Lebanon

A prevention case study from Lebanon: Practice Challenges

Dr. Pamela R.N. Kaithuru Dr. Pamela R.N. Kaithuru 

Head of Counseling Unit, Kenya Meteorological Department; ISSUP Kenya

Case Study for Recovery Support in Kenya

Dr. Beatrice KathunguDr Beatrice Kathungu

Chairperson, Department of Psychology, Kenyatta University; ISSUP Kenya

Case Study for Recovery Support in Kenya


Ramiro ValezDr Ramiro Valez

Director, CIJ Chihuahua; ISSUP Mexico 

  • From Principles to Practice: A case study of treatment provision in Mexico


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