

Training courses:

Rein in Your Brain – Changing Neuropathways in Recovery, Capital Suite 11-B

1 day (presented twice; on May 13th and repeated May 14th)

Course Overview: This course is appropriate for master level therapists/counselors and can also be useful for case workers, peer recovery support specialists and other direct care staff.

Description: With funding from NIDA, Cynthia Moreno Tuohy worked with Danya International to conceptualize, develop, and evaluate a multi-component, multi-media tool for use by addiction and other helping professionals to assist adults and youth improve their life traumas and conflict through knowledge, attitudes and skills developed in the frontal cortex of the brain. Rein in Your Bran are an intensive set of psycho-emotional-social-spiritual Cogitative Behavioral Therapy (CBT) treatments that, if followed, will result in brain pathway and lifestyle changes.   This program affects behavioral learning with emotional development and maturity that results in long-term changes in the brain and behavior. This training will be a short introduction into the foundational pieces of the curriculum focusing on the brain and its development in addiction and conflict, methods to change the neuropathways in the brain and reduce conflict with self and others.

Course Outline: 

  1. Brain/Addiction/Conflict – instinctual development.
  2. Stages of relationships people tend to traverse through in romantic and other relationships. (Honeymoon, Disillusion, Misery, Awaking, Peace/Calm).
  3. The four types of agreements to lead persons out of the stage of misery.  (Financial, Emotional/Psychological, Spiritual, Physical/Spatial).
  4. Review of the 10 tips to healthy living.
  5. Wrap-up

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to identify at least 5 words, phrases and behaviors in the limbic area of the brain and how that hampers recovery.
  2. Participants will be able to identify the 5 stages that relationships tend to traverse through in romantic relationships. (Honeymoon, Disillusion, Misery, Awaking, Peace/Calm).
  3. Participants will be able to identify the four types of agreements to lead persons out of the stage of misery and into more healthy relationships.  (Financial, Emotional/Psychological, Spiritual, Physical/Spatial).
  4. Participants will be able to identify the 10 tips to healthy living
Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) 1: Introduction to the Science of Addiction (in Arabic), Capital Suite 12-A, 12th-16th May 2022

4-5 days – IN ARABIC

This course presents a comprehensive overview of addiction; provides an understanding of the physiology of addiction as a brain disease; and describes the pharmacology of psychoactive substances.

Women’s Intervention for Substance Exposure (WISE): Comprehensive Care for Substance Use Disorders, Capital Suite 4, 12th-16th May 2022

5 days – IN ENGLISH

This specialty course is designed to increase treatment service providers’ capacity to identify, assess and effectively treat women who have substance use disorders. This 5-day course explores the uniqueness in women compared to men in their illness trajectory as related to substance use initiation, use, treatment, and recovery. It provides practical considerations on how to create and implement comprehensive assessment and individualised care plans. Comprehensive and holistic services, components of a comprehensive treatment programme for women and approaches to caring for women with co-occurring disorders through case management approach are explained.

Universal Training Curriculum Advanced: Enhancing Motivational Interviewing Skills, Capital Suite 19, 12th-16th May 2022

3-4 days – IN ENGLISH

This training provides an understanding of the theory and application of Motivational Interviewing strategies and interventions for the treatment of substance use disorders. It contains a set of methods used to help people to increase internal motivation by exploring and resolving ambivalence around behaviour change. This skill can be used in reducing risk behaviours and increasing client engagement in treatment across varying levels of severity, age, gender and ethnicities. * Prior training in UTC Basic or equivalent is desired.

Universal Recovery Curriculum (URC): The Allies Link and Lend Inventive Engaging Support (ALLIES) Model, Capital Suite 21-A, 12th-16th May 2022

4-5 days – IN ENGLISH

This course orients participants through a brief foundation that defines substance use disorders and recovery. It provides the needed information about competencies and skills, including awareness of trauma-informed care, self-care, and boundary setting. The course increases the recovery ally professional’s capacity to support those who have had substance use disorders. Please note, this training is created for those with interest in working as a recovery support professional and who do not identify as being in recovery from a substance use disorder.

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Family (For Manager & Supervisors), Capital Suite 20, 12th-16th May 2022

4-5 days – IN ENGLISH

This track gives an overview of the science inherent in family-based prevention interventions and the methods used to intervene effectively in order to prevent substance use in children and adolescents. It also provides experiential learning in some of the skills used in effective family-based intervention methods to prepare prevention implementers to participate in such programmes.

*The UPC Core course is required as a pre-requisite for participation.

Treating Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders, Capital Suite 16, 12th-16th May 2022

5 days – IN ENGLISH

The course presents an approach to the adolescent substance using population and addresses the main factors that place them at higher risk and vulnerability than other populations. This six-course training programme provides professionals with the tools to identify, assess, and treat adolescents with substance use disorders (SUDs) using individual-, family-, and community-based interventions.

*Suggested participation requirements: Drug treatment professionals with at least two years of experience working with adolescents with SUDs

DAP Examination Refresher Course and ICAP Exam, Capital Suite CS18, 12th-15th May 2022

4 days – IN ENGLISH

This 4 day Refresher Course will be offered free of charge prior to the exam on May 16, 2022. The course acts like a study guide and provides a review of the material presented in the Complete Universal Treatment Curriculum Basic series to prepare candidates for taking the ICAP I examination.

ICAP-I, II, III and IV Treatment Exams

For more information visit the ICAP Exams page.

ICAP-Prevention Exam

For more information visit the ICAP Exams page.

ICAP Recovery Support Exam

For more information visit the ICAP Exams page.

UNODC Global Trainers, Capital Suite 14, 12th-16th May 2022

5 days

The goal of the Global Drug Demand Reduction Trainers training is to enhance the skills and abilities of experienced drug demand reduction experts and to create effective learning experiences for those individuals interested in learning about drug demand reduction around the world. Participants will also gain a clear understanding of international drug policy and mechanisms that drive national decision-making and can be leveraged to support our work in the field of drug demand reduction. This is a closed session and participants are by invitation only. Participants will receive a certificate of participation and will join a cadre of DDR trainers around the world linked and sharing resources monthly.

Training Goals: To strengthen the drug demand reduction workforce worldwide and build networks across all regions.

The Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use and Drug Use Disorders

3 days

UNODC will be training policymakers on the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders. The training targets decision makers from various sectors working at national level on the coordination of health care, social welfare, education, law enforcement, prisons, other parts of the justice system as well as in drug coordination bodies. The course offers policymakers the latest evidence-based knowledge on prevention of drug use and treatment of drug use disorders, as well as on overview of national and international drug control strategies. The training package supports policy makers in their efforts to create humane, effective and evidence-based drug prevention and drug use disorder treatment and care services and systems and how to monitor those. The course will provide an opportunity for exchange and sharing of good practices among policy makers from different regions and sectors.

Training Goals: To support policy makers in developing appropriate policies, strategies, programmes and interventions targeted at preventing drug use and increasing the availability of and access to comprehensive systems of care for people affected by drug use and drug use disorders.


This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.