Rabia Hanif

Rabia Hanif is a clinical psychologist who has worked in the drug demand reduction field in Rabia HanifPakistan for the past 7 years. Rabia is described by colleagues as endowed with strong communication and leadership skills, a rational sense of direction and a dedicated emerging star within the field. To date, her achievements include:

  • Serving as a national consultant for Drug Awareness Campaign in Pakistan for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • Supervising internship programs that teach young students about SUD treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Participating in the 2017-2018 Humphrey Fellowship Programme.
  • Completed all UTC 1-8 curricula and has organised echo training in Pakistan.
  • Serving as a national consultant for Drug Awareness Campaign in Pakistan for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • Publishing two articles: ‘Personality Traits Differentiate Pakistani Males in Recovery versus Relapse from Substance Use Disorder’ and ‘Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Social Support as Determinant of Recovery from Substance Use Disorder’
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