COVID-19 related Intervention
Response strategies for substance use and COVID-19.
Trends of Buprenorphine Prescribing for Opioid Dependence Before, and During the Early and Later Part of the COVID-19: A Study from a Large Publicly-Funded Opioid Agonist Treatment Services in India
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted how people access medications for opioid dependence. Researchers looked at monthly changes in several factors related to buprenorphine/naloxone (BNX) treatment over 56 months, including before...
Alcohol consumption during COVID-19 in Latin America according to age and employment situation
This research evaluated alcohol consumption in the Latin American and Latin Caribbean adult population during COVID-19 confinement, taking into account age and employment status. Non-probabilistic design with convenience sampling, with a...
The COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Changes in Preference and Behaviour Regarding Selected Anabolic Androgenic Substances and Steroids – A Comparative Study
BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) and the ensuing global public health emergency situation have led to restrictions, changes, and measures in the daily life of society as a whole. The situation culminated in a global pandemic. A...
Knowledge and Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Young Adults in the United Arab Emirates, Particularly during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract: (1) Background: The popularity of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has recently increased. Although they are less harmful than regular cigarettes, they still cause health consequences and their use for smoking cessation is...
Uso de substâncias entre estágios iniciais e posteriores da pandemia de COVID 19 em Israel
Apenas vários estudos empíricos examinaram o uso de substâncias durante a pandemia COVID-19 em populações gerais. A maioria desses estudos comparou o uso autorrelatado de substâncias antes da pandemia e durante os estágios iniciais da...
ISAM Webinar Series on COVID-19 and Substance Use Disorders: : A Global Perspective on Challenges and Solutions
As you all know, the current COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected various populations globally. The International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) believes that the impact of this pandemic on people struggling with Substance Use...
Resilience in Leadership: Key Behaviors for Self-Care and Caring for Others
Disruptions to U.S. local public health’s role in population-based substance use prevention and response during COVID-19
COVID-19 dramatically limited the scale and scope of local health department (LHD) work, redirecting resources to the response. However, the need for essential public health services—including substance use prevention—was not...
Experiences of frontline healthcare workers and their views about support during COVID-19 and previous pandemics: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis
Healthcare workers across the world have risen to the demands of treating COVID-19 patients, potentially at significant cost to their own health and wellbeing. There has been increasing recognition of the potential mental health...
Disruptions to U.S. local public health’s role in population-based substance use prevention and response during COVID-19
The COVID-19 emergency has tested the public health, medical, and public safety infrastructure of the United States (U.S.) in unprecedented ways. As the focal point for public health in their communities, local health...
"A Situação da Saúde Mental, a Violência contra a Mulher no Contexto do Pós-Pandemia do COVID19" Avanços, desafios e desafios
Evento do Dia Mundial de Aids 2022: Desafios e Perspectivas da Prática de Tratamento SUD
Em reconhecimento ao Dia Mundial da AIDS, a ISSUP Itália gostaria de convidá-lo a participar de seu próximo Webinar.
Primeira Apresentação: Os desafios da AIDS pós-COVID-19
As características da infecção pelo HIV e como elas evoluíram...
Reorganização dos serviços de tratamento do uso de substâncias e redução de danos durante a pandemia de COVID-19: uma pesquisa global
Contexto: A pandemia da doença 2019 do coronavirus (COVID-19) impactou as pessoas com transtornos do uso de substâncias (SUDs) em todo o mundo, e os sistemas de saúde reorganizaram seus serviços em resposta à pandemia.
Métodos: Uma semana...
Mudanças nos comportamentos relacionados à cessação do tabagismo entre adultos dos EUA durante a pandemia de COVID-19
Pergunta : Os comportamentos relacionados à cessação do tabagismo mudaram durante a pandemia de COVID-19 nos EUA?
Resultados Este estudo transversal entre 788.008 fumantes adultos dos EUA descobriu que a prevalência anual...
Keynote Speaker: Dr Nora Volkow, Day 2, 16:00-17:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 13th May, 2022
- Keynote - Dr Nora Volkow
Keynote - Dr Nora Volkow
Saúde mental e fatores relacionados entre estudantes de graduação durante a pandemia de SARS-CoV-2: um estudo transversal
Contexto: Problemas de saúde mental entre estudantes universitários são um importante problema de saúde pública. A maioria dos estudos que exploram a saúde mental nessa população durante a pandemia foi conduzida em países de alta renda...
Navigating intersecting public health crises: a qualitative study of people with opioid use disorders' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
The long-running opioid epidemic and the more recent COVID-19 pandemic are two interrelated events with major public health implications for people who use opioids (OUD). The majority of studies on the interaction of these two...
COVID 19 – impacto na utilização e provisão de tratamento de uso de substâncias na África do Sul
A pandemia da doença 2019 do coronavirus (COVID-19) afetou pessoas que sofrem de transtornos do uso de substâncias (SUDs) em todo o mundo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as mudanças no número de episódios de tratamento de SUD...
A situação dos sem-abrigo e do consumo de substâncias na Índia e o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19
Uso diário de cannabis durante a nova pandemia da doença coronavírus (COVID-19) no Canadá: um estudo transversal repetido de maio de 2020 a dezembro de 2020
A nova doença coronavírus (COVID-19) resultou em uma carga substancial da doença no Canadá. O uso diário da cannabis está mais fortemente implicado na carga atribuível à cannabis da doença. No contexto da nova pandemia da doença coronavírus...
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