Introducing our new "Prevention Lists" resource!
We are excited to announce the latest addition to our Professional Development section—a dedicated area called "Prevention Lists." This resource is tailored for those keen on exploring evidence-based prevention programs and accessing...
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part I: Introduction to SBIRT and Screening Tools for Substance Use.
Prevención basada en la evidencia
This project is dedicated to promoting evidence-based prevention of alcohol and drug abuse. It serves as a valuable resource for professionals and policy-makers, offering carefully selected, high-quality information. In...
Green List Prevention
The "Green List Prevention" in Germany encompasses a rich array of programmes aimed at preventing various behavioural issues among children and young individuals, including violence, crime, and addictive behaviours. These...
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
The Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is a valuable resource that offers a comprehensive registry of scientifically validated and scalable interventions. The programme's mission is to prevent antisocial behaviour and...
Xchange Prevention Registry
Xchange is an online registry dedicated to evidence-based prevention programmes, offering a wide array of thoroughly evaluated interventions. It serves as a valuable resource for implementers seeking effective strategies to...
Uso Nocivo de Dispositivos Tecnológicos y Consumo de Sustancias. Parte II “Inicio Temprano de Consumo y el Uso Nocivo de TIC"
Uso Nocivo de Dispositivos Tecnológicos y Consumo de Sustancias. Parte II “Inicio Temprano de Consumo y el Uso Nocivo de TIC"
Addiction professionals from Central Asia enhanced knowledge on working with population with special clinical needs
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place in person in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on 23-27 October 2023. This course is a part...
New draft guidance on harmful gambling
The new draft guideline on harmful gambling recommends health professionals should ask people about gambling if they attend a health check or GP appointment about a mental health condition.
These guideline aims to ensure that those...
Policy brief – how supervised consumption sites can save lives and improve local communities
At the 10th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users, held in Glasgow, Scotland, international policymakers gathered to discuss the global overdose crisis and the role that supervised consumption sites can play in...
Open Consultation: UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment
The consultation on the UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment is now open.
Consultation description
This consultation asks you to review individual chapters from the draft UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment.
Each chapter...
Performing solidarity? A scoping review of alcohol marketing to sexual and gender minorities
Harmful alcohol use is more prevalent among sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) than their cisgender/heterosexual counterparts. The reasons for this are complex, incorporating alcohol’s normalization and availability in social...
Lisbon Addictions 2024: Chamada de resumos
Lisbon Addictions 2024 é uma conferência multidisciplinar que proporciona um fórum para networking e uma oportunidade para mostrar investigação de ponta. A conferência destina-se a informar o desenvolvimento de políticas e práticas através...
Cannabis and amphetamine use among school-going adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country analysis of prevalence and associated factors
ECOWAS Commission Supports the Training of Trainers on Evidence-Based Drug Use Prevention in the Benin Republic
Uso Nocivo de Dispositivos Tecnológicos y Consumo de Sustancias. Parte I “Desafíos durante la Infancia”
Club social: habilidades sociales para prevención de recaídas
Las actividades de recreación e interacción social pueden favorecerel mantenimiento de la abstinencia al competir con el consumo desustancias psicoactivas. Derivado del Programa de SatisfactoresCotidianos, el Club Social (CS) es una...
Contribuir para a revisão intercalar da CND de 2024
A pesquisa global faz parte de um processo de consulta mais amplo em preparação para a revisão intermediária de 2024 da Comissão de Entorpecentes. O objetivo é reunir contribuições de ONGs que trabalham em...
Compartilhe o conhecimento: membros ISSUP podem postar no Compartilhamento de Conhecimento - Entre ou torne-se um membro