
On behalf of ISSUP Kenya, I presented our memorandum to the Mental Health Task Force of the Ministry of Health. The task force, which  was set up following a cabinet directive chaired by the President of the Republic of Kenya, seeks to gather public views on challenges and solutions about the state of mental health in the country. As a professional body we advocated for substance use disorders to be treated as a mental health issue and not just a security or moral  issue.
The Executive Committee of ISSUP Kenya met at the beginning of the year to review the successes and challenges of the previous year and at the same time plan the activities for 2020.
In October 2019, ISSUP Kenya and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa commenced training on UTC for its staff involved with management of persons with substance use disorders. It was a milestone for both ISSUP Kenya and the faith based institution. The series of UTC trainings will continue until mid 2020.
El próximo Sábado 29 de febrero se realizará la primera reunión ampliada de asociados a ISSUP Chile. El objetivo central de esta reunión es presentar líneas de trabajo, proyecciones y organizar grupos de interés. Día: Sábado 29 de febreroHora: 10:00 a 13:00 hrs.Lugar: Universidad de Los Andes (sala por confirmar) Monseñor Álvaro del Portillo 12455, Las Condes, Santiago
NACADA/GCCC/ISSUP meeting on 14th October 2019 at NACADA offices. To explore efforts at professionalizing the workforce in Kenya through training, credentialing and professional networking. 
ISSUP Kenya сегодня, 30 сентября 2019  года, присоединилась к NACADA и другим заинтересованным сторонам в области сокращения спроса на наркотики, поскольку  Национальный орган запустил свой стратегический план на 2019-2022 годы. Партнерские отношения и сотрудничество - путь, по которому нужно идти.
ISSUP Kenya AGM was held on 7/9/2019. The key speaker was Dr Mercy Karanja, Consultant Psychiatrist, Deputy Director of Medical Services: Focal Person for Substance Use Management, Division of Mental Health, Ministry of Health. 
We are pleased to announce that our team has grown! James Harvey, our new Communications and Marketing Officer, joined the ISSUP team last month. 
Совет EUSPR принял решение перенести свою одиннадцатую Конференцию и Совещание членов и семинары в онлайновое мероприятие. Мероприятие лицом к лицу, запланированное на 7-9  октября 2020 года в Лиссабоне, Португалия, отменено.
We are incredibly excited to announce that ISSUP Togo National Chapter is currently in the process of registering as a civil society organisation.