Responding to stimulant use — developments in treatment
Objective: To better understand current developments in the treatment of stimulant use.
Background: Stimulant drugs are second only to cannabis as the most widely used class of illicit drug globally, accounting for 68 million past-year...
Exploring treatment barriers on the use of crystal methamphetamine among young people in Zimbabwe
Substance misuse among young people is one of the most public concerns in global health. This study set out to explore treatment barriers among young people in Zimbabwe.
Data was collected through interviews with 30 participants
The study...
2022-2023 Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA) Legacy Essay Competition
It has been widely reported that youth alcohol consumption has decreased over recent years. What is the evidence to support this view? What are the implications for alcohol related health harm, promotion of safe drinking and health policy?
...Trends in Overdose and Other Drug-Induced Deaths in Australia
This report presents the most recent and in-depth data on overdose and drug-induced deaths in Australia, covering the period 2002 to 2021. It is the most recent output in a series of annual publications on trends in drug overdose deaths...
Early exposure to cannabis and long-lasting consequences in the brain
Программа бесплатного наставничества по теленаставничеству направлена на то, чтобы предоставить медицинским работникам, работающим с людьми, употребляющими алкоголь, основанные на научных исследованиях
Проект по борьбе с употреблением алкоголя и психическим здоровьем ECHO — это бесплатная виртуальная программа для медицинских работников, которые ищут актуальную и основанную на исследованиях информацию о работе с людьми, употребляющими...
Cigarette/Nicotine use - a Gateway to other drug use?
The impact of childhood trauma and mental disorders among people with opioid dependence
Tom Santo Jr presented at the NDARC Webinar Series on Thursday, 16 February 2023.
How do childhood trauma and mental disorders affect health, treatment and social outcomes among people with opioid dependence?
Research has found that...
Better Than Well- Recovery Programme to Support Students in England
The consequences of addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol, or engaging in certain behaviours like gambling, gaming, or sex, can be severe. Addiction is often a response to underlying trauma and social stressors, and continued use...
Analysis of the Media Image and Presentation of Direct and Hidden Advertising of Alcohol in Selected Czech Mass Communication Media. Study Protocol
INTRODUCTION: The study protocol is focused on qualitative and quantitative analysis and reflection of the media image and presentation of direct and hidden alcohol advertising in the Czech mass media, with an emphasis on social network...
Psychoactive Prescription Drug Abuse: Selected Psychological Symptoms and Quality of Life in Addiction Treatment. Study Protocol
BACKGROUND: The abuse of psychoactive prescription drugs has become increasingly common in the Czech Republic. These drugs include sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics (benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotics), and opioids. Patients with an addiction...
Bion’s Basic Assumption Groups in the Regimen Treatment of Addictions: Clinical Implications
This article provides reflection on the potential application of Bion’s model of basic assumption groups in patients undergoing midterm inpatient addiction treatment. The clinical implications are discussed in terms of the usability of Bion...
The Amount of Excise Tax and its Effect on the Consumption of Alcohol and Cigarettes in European Countries
BACKGROUND: Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption are widespread practices that are legal and socially accepted in many societies. One of the common tools to reduce the consumption of these legal drugs is increasing prices. The prices for...
Cannabis Use, Cannabis Use Disorder, and Comorbid Psychiatric Illness
As attitudes toward cannabis, its legal status, and patterns of use continue to evolve, the landscape surrounding this substance is in a constant state of flux. Against this backdrop, this review aims to provide an up-to-date...
Panda - The perfect digital companion on the road to recovery
The Language of Stigma and Substance Use Disorder
Lower buprenorphine elimination rate constant is associated with lower opioid use
Background Opioid craving is suggested to correlate with the rate of reduction in buprenorphine (BUP) plasma levels. No studies explored Buprenorphine elimination rate constant (BUP EL.R) as a predictor of opioid use or retention...
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is associated with increased abstinence in substance use disorders and comorbid depression
BACKGROUND: Substance use disorders (SUDs) are associated with high rates of comorbid depression. Finding effective treatments for many of the substances of abuse is still an area of developing research. Repetitive transcranial magnetic...
Подкаст SSA - Рецидив: что это такое и что это значит для людей, которые его испытывают?
В последнем эпизоде подкаста Addictions Edited Роб Колдер беседует с доктором Майк Кляйн из Университета Бата о ее качественном исследовании рецидива.
Они обсуждают, как рецидив может восприниматься как часть выздоровления или антитеза...
New Psychoactive Substances – Designer Benzodiazepines
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