Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) as a new storm for Mental Health and Addiction Professionals: Insight from Developing Countries
Substance Use Outcomes For Sexual and Gender Minority Adults With a History of Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Scoping Review
The impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on behavioral, mental, and physical health have been extensively investigated. As such, it is paramount to synthesize their quantified effects, especially within...
Profiles of quality of outpatient care use, associated sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and adverse outcomes among patients with substance-related disorders
This study identified patient profiles in terms of their quality of outpatient care use, associated sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and adverse outcomes based on frequent emergency department (ED) use...
Nature and Course of Clinician and Self-Rated Depressive Features in Persons with Alcohol Use Disorders: A Preliminary Prospective Study among Men Seeking Treatment
INTRODUCTION: The trajectory and nature of depression in patients with alcohol use disorder as they enter treatment needs to be understood better. This study assessed the nature and course of depressive features among male patients with...
The need to establish the first safe consumption site in Israel
The paper presents the case for establishment of safe consumption sites (SCS) in Israel. An SCS, also known as a drug consumption room (DCR), provides a safe and medically supervised setting for people who inject drugs (PWID) to use drugs...
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for International Scholars: Now Accepting Applications
Special Deadline: April 1, 2023
The NIDA International Program is accepting applications from international postdoctoral researchers for...
ISAM neuroscience interest group webinar series
In ISAM-NIG's new monthly talk series "In Love with Addiction Neuroscience”, addiction neuroscientists from across the world share their personal stories/experiences on the beauty of addiction neuroscience and how/why they have decided to...
ISAM Neuroscience Interest Group in collaboration with ENIGMA Addiction Working Group
Here, you can find a series of webinar recordings put together by ISAM Neuroscience Interest Group in collaboration with ENIGMA Addiction Working Group.
Webinar 1: International Network on Neuroscience for Addiction Medicine
Webinar 2: Co...
ISAM Webinar Series on COVID-19 and Substance Use Disorders: : A Global Perspective on Challenges and Solutions
As you all know, the current COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected various populations globally. The International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) believes that the impact of this pandemic on people struggling with Substance Use...
Expanding Access to and Use of Behavioural Health Services for People At Risk for or Experiencing Homelessness
This guide highlights strategies for behavioural health and housing providers to conduct outreach and engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, initiate use of behavioural health treatment as they wait to receive stable housing and...
ISSUP Poster for Lisbon Addictions 2022: Study on substance use and the role of families in Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Ukraine
The fourth European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies took place in Lisbon from 23-25 November 2022.
Under the overarching theme of Global Addictions, LxAddictions22 showcased cutting-edge research to help characterise...
Регистрация открыта: Серия онлайн-тренингов NAADAC по оценке, диагностике и лечению сопутствующих расстройств и специализированной серии специализированных учебных курсов NAADAC
Серия специализированных онлайн-тренингов NAADAC по оценке, диагностике и лечению сопутствующих расстройств и SUD предназначена для помощи специалистам, которые посвящают себя изучению сопутствующих расстройств в области зависимости. На...
Drug use and associated factors in a North Eastern region of Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
The article ‘Drug use and associated factors in a North Eastern region of Tanzania: a cross-sectional study’ published in the PanAfrican Medical Journal’ on 11/10/2022 by a number of authors coordinated by Dr Harrieth Peter and Castory...
HIV and Substance Use: Reading List
World AIDS Day takes place in December each year. This reading list contains a list of research, publications and resources for practitioners relating to HIV/Aids. We also have a network dedicated to HIV and HCV where you can find a...
A human rights approach to integrating HIV and substance misuse services
Integrating HIV-related care with treatment for substance use disorder provides an opportunity to better meet the needs of people living with these conditions. People with substance use disorder are rendered especially vulnerable by...
Профилактика и лечение ВИЧ-инфекции среди людей, живущих с употреблением психоактивных веществ и/или психическими расстройствами
В центре внимания этого руководства
Люди с психическими заболеваниями и/или ВСД непропорционально подвержены ВИЧ. Они могут участвовать в поведении, которое повышает риск заражения и передачи ВИЧ, например, совместное использование...
Информационные бюллетени Центра по профилактике заболеваний: ВИЧ и употребление психоактивных веществ
Совместное использование игл, шприцев или другого оборудования для инъекций наркотиков, например, плит, подвергает людей риску заражения или передачи ВИЧ и других инфекций.
В дополнение к риску заражения ВИЧ и вирусным гепатитом, люди...
ВИЧ и употребление психоактивных веществ
Эта сводная страница, разработанная HIV info и Управлением исследований СПИДа NIH, исследует ВИЧ и употребление психоактивных веществ.
В информационном бюллетене рассматриваются следующие вопросы:
- Какова связь между ВИЧ и употреблением...
Ликвидация неравенства для людей, употребляющих наркотики: как глобальные меры в ответ на ВИЧ могут трансформировать наркополитику
Это параллельное мероприятие для 65-й Комиссии по наркотическим средствам было первоначально представлено 14 марта 2022 года. Он был организован INPUD совместно с Médecins du Monde, ЮНЭЙДС, Секцией УНП ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу, Нидерландами и...
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