

ADIKTOLOGIE Journal 2/21

ORIGINAL ARTICLES PETRUŽELKA, B., BARTÁK, M., LAŠTOVKOVÁ, J. Biographic Burden and Initiation into the Use of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants from the Perspective of Users: The Qualitative Arm of the ATTUNE Research Study in the Czech...
Addiction Research ISSUP

Recommendations "Web outreach for people who use drugs"

The UNODC Regional Program Office for Eastern Europe (Kiev, Ukraine), in collaboration with the Humanitarian Action Fund (St. Petersburg, Russia), issues recommendations on web outreach for people who use drugs (PWUD), including people who...

Drug overdose: a film about life

Video and audio recordings
This is a film about hope and life, it is about people who are making a difference.

Deconstructing Addiction

This resource has been initiated by Anthony Corballis in conjunction with Dulwich Centre Publications. You’ll find here a range of writings about addiction and ways of responding to alcohol and other drug use.

Alcohol and self-harm: A qualitative study

Scientific article
Executive Summary This qualitative study was commissioned by Alcohol Change UK in Wales to explore how and why alcohol and self-harm are related, and how alcohol, self-harm, and related services, are experienced and understood. Eleven...

Motivational interviewing: Guiding clients to make beneficial changes

Event Date

By the end of this webinar, attendees will gain:

  • An understanding of Transtheoretical Model of Change
  • An awareness of what Motivational Interviewing is and when it is useful
  • Knowledge of the spirit and principles of Motivational Interviewing
  • An understanding of the core communication skills of Motivational Interviewing that lead to behaviour change