Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
From harm to hope: A ten year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Here you can read the UK governments 10-year plan to reduce illegal drug use. The 10-year plan is also the formal, substantive response to the Independent Reviews of Drugs led by Dame Carol Black and accepts all of her key recommendations...

Chicken or egg: A dual diagnosis narrative
Summary What is known on the subject? Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe persons who have a co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. It is the cause of significant economic burden to health care, justice and...

What are the evidence-based treatment options for methamphetamine use disorder?
This webinar provided attendees with information about: 1. Overview of the clinical challenges associated with methamphetamine use disorder 2. Psychosocial approaches for methamphetamine use disorder 3. Pharmacological treatments being...
Methadone maintenance treatment
Document of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia that presents baseline of the maintenance programs with methadone in the country and the profile of the population served and the general characteristics of the treatment...

Strategies Adopted by Addiction Facilities during the Coronavirus Pandemic to Support Treatment for Individuals in Recovery or Struggling with a Substance Use Disorder: A Scoping Review
This review aimed to identify and synthesize strategies and actions adopted by addiction facilities to support and maintain treatment during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Clinical Utility of Assessing Changes of Personality Functioning During Substance Misuse Treatment
Abstract Dimensional models for classifying personality have received extensive empirical support in the treatment of substance misuse. However, we do not currently understand whether and which dimensions of personality functioning are...
Examining the Relationship of Personality Functioning and Treatment Completion in Substance Misuse Treatment
Abstract Background: Treatment retention is a major factor contributing to favourable outcome in the treatment of substance misuse, but the literature remains very limited. Despite evidence of the association of personality with drug use...
The Role of Personality Functioning on Early Drop out in Outpatient Substance Misuse Treatment
Abstract Treatment initiation is a major factor contributing to positive outcomes, but the supporting literature remains limited. It is difficult to draw conclusions regarding predictors of dropout, and there is a need to target clients'...