
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

High Risk Substance Use and Overdose Among Youth Conference

Event Date

The rising numbers of young people with high-risk substance use, especially suffering from overdose, is alarming. Adolescence and young adulthood (under the age of 25) is the period of highest incidence and greatest impact of mental health and substance use disorders, yet there are no youth-specific services in place.

Essays on Alcohol-related Harm and Interventions

The Effectiveness Bank features a collection of 45 hot topics – essays written by Drug and Alcohol Findings explaining the background and evidence relating to topics which sometimes prompt heated debate. They are a popular way to get up to...

Sex and Gender Effects in Recovery From Alcohol Use Disorder

Scientific article
The current article provides a summary of biopsychosocial gender differences in alcohol use disorder (AUD), then reviews existing literature on gender differences in treatment access, retention, outcomes, and longer-term recovery. Among...

Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference

Event Date

The COVID-19 pandemic proved that a lot of medicine can be delivered virtually. A lot of sentiments were corrected and a lot of anxieties were proven wrong. Online resources can help to build capacity and provide better access to patients who need care and can’t get it.