

New Training of Staff in Medication Assisted Treatment

Uganda Has now officially started training in harm reduction and has created Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) Clinics in one of its National referral Mental Hospital Alcohol and Drug Unit. The training is ongoing for new and existing...

Cochrane Tobacco Addiction: Key Review Summaries

Scientific article
Below are two-page summaries of research carried out by the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction group. Combined pharmacotherapy and behavioural interventions for smoking cessation Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation Reduction versus abrupt...

It’s Not What You Say, but How You Say It.

Event Date

Motivational Interviewing & Beyond Live Webinars

A bad experience can be the best teacher. Joel Porter, Steve Rollnick, Russell Calderwood, David Rosengren & others discuss the importance of learning from experience and language in working with people in the classroom, therapy office and playing field.