Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Substance Misuse in Older People: an Information Guide
Child Art: The Intersection of Art and Neuroscience
Webinar | Psychotherapy of Substance Use Disorders
Webinar | Psychotherapy of Substance Use Disorders
UTC Trainee Graduation
ISSUP Kenya in partnership with the PCEA graduated the first cohort of trainees on basic UTC course:a total of 30 participants.The ceremony at the Kikuyu mission hospital was graced by the Governor of Kiambu County,His Excellency James Nyoro, In coming SG of the PCEA, Rev. Dr. Waihenya and the CEO of Kikuyu hospital Dr. P.Kimpiatu. Other officials present included Rev. Dr. W. Kogo, ISSUP Kenya Executive Dr.
ISSUP-Kenya/PCEA Graduation
Today marked the graduation of the inaugural ISSUP-Kenya/PCEA training cohort for UTC. It was moderated by our very own Deputy President, Mwalimu Susan Gitau, and our patron Dr. Richard Gakunju with guest of honour being Governor of Kiambu County, Eng Nyoro. They’ll be sitting the exams soon. Today was presentation of certificates of course completion. Well done to them, and all the best for the exams.
BMJ Live Conference
BMJ Live is a free online global event featuring a range of sessions covering clinical webinars, leadership skills, career progression, one-to-one careers advice and wellbeing.