
2016 National Drug Threat Assessment

The purpose of the DEA's 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment is to provide timely and relevant strategic drug-related intelligence for policymakers in the United States to formulate counterdrug policies. Further, it helps law enforcement...
National Drug Threat Assessment

Scottish Courts Rule in Favour of Minimum Price for Alcohol

After more than four years of industry delay tactics, yesterday’s ruling from the Court of Session in Edinburgh has finally paved the way for the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland, a policy approved by MSPs back in...

Are Smoking Bans Having the Desired Effect?

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at Ohio State University and subsequently published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour shows how smoking bans in the United States have led to a decrease in social or light smoking amongst...

E-Cigarettes and Passive Smoking: Is There a Risk?

Scientific article
E-cigarettes are becoming more and more popular. As such, many in the field of drug prevention and treatment are eager to uncover how they affect our health. E-cigarettes do not contain tobacco. However, it has been found by researchers at...

Adieu to Stereotypes? Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in France

If you were asked to provide a list of things we most associate with French cultural identity, wine and cigarettes would probably feature. A recent survey, however, suggests that, as is generally the case across Europe, alcohol and tobacco...
Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in France

White House Eases Cap on Medication for Opioid Addiction

In the USA, Frontline report on changes in policy to allow doctors to issue more prescriptions for buprenorphine; new rules aimed at improving drug monitoring by federal prescribers treating Native Americans and military veterans