
Master’s Program in Addiction Policy and Practice

Georgetown Announces Master’s Program in Addiction Policy and Practice. The new program seeks to build a national policy workforce to respond to one of the most untreated chronic health conditions in the United States. Georgetown University...

GTNF 2020

Event Date

GTNF 2020 VIRTUAL: Bringing the global conversation to you

The world’s leading annual forum discussing the future of the tobacco and nicotine industries is going virtual this September for the first time in its 13-year history. Take part in four days of stimulating debates on shaping the industries’ futures with delegates from all over the world.

Australian National Alcohol Strategy 2019-2028

The Australian Government has released a new strategy to address alcohol-related harms in Australian communities. These harms include violence, disease, injuries, road deaths and an estimated 4,000 alcohol-attributable deaths per year1. The...

Plenary 3: A Focus on Treatment and Recovery

ISSUP Webinar
The Third Plenary Session of the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference from 16th September to 10th November 2020.

The Child Welfare Inequalities App

The CWIP App brings together around 16 different datasets at the local authority and neighbourhood level, with a range of features including being able to adjust for deprivation effects using the results from linear models calculated ‘on...

NGO Marketplace

The NGO Marketplace is a joint project of the UNODC Civil Society Team and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and was first launched in 2016. The NGO Marketplace is an innovative online global platform to assist the international community...