
Discussing Alcohol Use with the GP

Scientific article
A General Practitioner (GP) is often the first point of contact for people struggling with alcohol related issues. These doctors must be trained to detect problematic drinking as well as have the confidence and skills to have open...

RSMj 2020 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (Virtual)

Event Date

The 4th Annual Scientific Meeting of RSMj will be held virtually! In this abbreviated meeting, RSMj welcome all members and non-members alike to join the virtual meeting at no cost on Friday, July 24, 2020 from 2:00pm - 5:00pm EST (11am - 2:00pm PST).

The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Advanced Series

The Advanced Level UTC series is a set of courses, which offers a specialised training provision that aims to provide an in-depth continuing education with the latest information and skills-based activities to further enhance the capacity...

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Coordinators Series

The UPC Coordinators Series provides a 288-hour training programme for prevention coordinators, managers, and students/trainees whose role includes, or will include coordination and supervision of the implementation of prevention...

Webinar: ISSUP Ukraine - Clinical Aspects of Substance Use Disorders

Event Date
ISSUP Ukraine is pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on Clinical Aspects of Substance Use Disorders. The webinar is scheduled to be presented on Thursday, July 2, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (Ukraine time). The webinar will be presented in Ukrainian and Russian. 
The logo of ISSUP Ukraine

ISSUP Webinar: Motivational Interviewing Course Session 4

Event Date
United Kingdom
ISSUP virtual training course on Motivational Interviewing presented by Igor Koutsenok, MD, MS, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry.
ISSUP Igor Koutsenok Motivational Interviewing

UNODC online launch of Toolkit on Stakeholder Engagement for the Implementation of UNTOC

Event Date

In the context of UNODC Civil Society Team's project "Stakeholder Engagement for the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) - SE4U, its Review Mechanism and related activities," a Needs Assessment Workshop was organized in October 2019 for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), academics, and the private sector, to identify the landscape of relevant stakeholders, their needs and understanding of their role in supporting Me