
Counselling Emerging Adults With Substance Use Disorders

Event Date

Substance use developmentally peaks during emerging adulthood (ages 18-25). Many emerging adults who develop problematic substance use during this developmental period have been exposed to environmental, individual, and interpersonal stressors throughout the life that places them at risk for ongoing difficulties with substance use as they transition to adulthood.

Substance Use Disorder in the African American Community

Event Date

The purpose of this workshop is to provide education on substance use in the African American community. By participating in this workshop, participants will become educated on substance use and the

NAADAC Free Webinar Series

NAADAC is happy to offer free addiction-specific education through its Free Webinar Series. The 2019 Free Webinar Series releases two live webinars per month, which are then captured and made available for future viewing in NAADAC's Free On...

ASAP-Training Newsletter

The aim of the ASAP training project is to build effective drug prevention results across Europe, based on prevention systems analysis and widespread professional training. The ASAP training project will work to identify the strengths and...